Chapter 9: War Travels

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Krysian Yelt Point of View

I try to cover my emotions reminding myself two things: that he slept with another women and that this is not the time to mourn over something I didn't really loose. He comes from a family that degrades and ruins the people's lives that mean nothing to their benefit, the Nothings. My father lost everything due to the crown, and now I have to fight for it back.

My mind travels slowly to my mother who I ditched a couple of days ago and I almost groan, has it really been such a short time period? Two days?

I slip the blades into the holders on my arms and on each side of my leg. I let myself smile slightly giving myself the small enjoyment of the Umbellion blade that could pierce through a skull. Jonvi was right about one thing, I do hate dresses.

Recomposing myself to become an emotionless bitch I walk out and wait by the dragons. Frenasia continues to help Hound and clasps the last buckle. To busy myself, I check over her work even though she knows more about their armor than me.

What is happening between you and the Prince?

Is that really any of your business Frenais

Just call me Asia we are friends for life.

She sends a dragon wink my way her ominous looking appearance looking friendly for just a moment. I grab a rag from the corner of the stables and motion for her to lower her head. She follows the command dropping her head to allow me to shine the two small crystals that sit atop her head, just above her round ears.

What does it matter Asia?

I move back behind her head and start on her spikes that travel down her spin hearing a slight purr from the dragon. It was almost made difficult by the way she kept moving her feet.

It matters because I would prefer for you to be with the man that loves you than hide from him forever.

He doesn't love me.

But he does.

It's only been two days!

Love is not constrained to the essence of time dear, you should know that. Your father loved you the moment he saw you.

I cut her off and move her scythe-like blade that sits at the end of her tail rubbing over her coarse skin as I go. I feel a slight push on my mind and growl in annoyance but come to find that is not Asia that wishes to speak to me, but Hound.


His rough voice takes over my head and I roll my eyes turning to him.

Yes, Hound?

No need to have an attitude, I just wish to share with you that Damien finds you quite sexy in that attire, he can't keep the thoughts to himself! I need you either to knock him out or ask him to stop.

I didn't reply to that either, but I look over and see Damien intently watching me with a light smirk. Before I think too much into how fucking hot Damien looks in his armor I turn back to the dragons and grin, "So what's the plan?" Hound blows his snout, attempting to stomp back my attention.

Asia shows her sharp teeth mocking a human smile, Hound raising his head to demonstrate he's listening, I turn back to Damien with my arms crossed.

"You know that armor shows your tattoos, they look amazing darling." Damien smiles at me and his crystal blue eyes gaze into what seemed my soul. Looking away, I launch myself onto Asia, the new outfit making it a little more difficult.

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