One Shot- You Are The Dancing Queen

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Patton and Logan being the most supportive dads they can be.
Virgil and Janus's past trying to come in their way.
Patton and Logan helping them overcome it, and still being the best dads they can.

Logan and Patton did not expect much from their children. But they did expect them to participate in at least one outside-of-school activity. This was for many reasons, from making friends, to improving mental health, to building hobbies and habits, and even finding something to put on a college resume early on (though so far Janus was the only one who had to worry about that). There were too many reasons to name, and there was a great benefit in children participating in extracurriculars.

For most of their children, this was not a problem. Roman and Remus were extroverted children who had found a love for theater from the moment their second-grade class had put on a play about the solar system. When Patton and Logan had adopted them, it had not been hard to find them something to keep them occupied. Janus had already planned on getting involved at his new school before Logan and Patton had even brought it up. On his very first day at school, Janus had signed up for the debate team, and the next time the season rolled around he would try out for the tennis team as well.

The one child who hadn't found an activity they could enjoy was Virgil.

They had already gone down a whole list of activities they thought he might enjoy, and even some that other parents had suggested. At first, they had tried a cooking course because Virgil already seemed to show a desire to pursue it, but after a few lessons, Virgil had shyly told them he hadn't liked it. Then they had tried soccer because the boy could be just as athletic as the twins when he wanted to be, one soccer ball to the head and a loose tooth later and that idea had gone out the window too. Most of the educational clubs such as chess, science, and computer they had him try proved to stress him out too much and gardening wasn't quite the environment for him.

Language classes and instrument courses confused him to the point where he'd come out of the room crying. Self-defense classes made Janus and Patton about as queasy as it did Virgil anxious. Film club was too versatile of activity for him to enjoy, given just how many things it covered. And swim practice had ended with Virgil getting dragged out by a lifeguard after they thought he was drowning. A movie club resulted in Virgil sleeping in Janus's bed for a week after they played a horror movie and the moment Patton had even suggested the cute little circus class he'd found it had been adamantly denied (though that may have been due to Remus's comment about fire jugglers).

They tried courses that were similar to what the other three were already in, but Virgil had been to shy to even audition and speech club had left the poor boy shaking. A tennis class ended with violence, and choir ended with a sore throat. They had tried clubs and classes Logan and Patton had taken when they were younger. But craft classes weren't Virgil's forte and the second Virgil realized the squid he'd be dissecting had once been alive at one point he'd had an anxiety attack that even Janus had had trouble helping with.

They were at their wit's end and were starting to consider just giving up. Maybe Virgil was still too young, too anxious, to get involved in an extracurricular. Maybe he wasn't quite ready yet, didn't know enough about his likes and dislikes to form those opinions for himself. Logan had noticed a pattern of Virgil copying Janus and the twins when it came to certain things, even if it meant he was unhappy about those decisions. Maybe they'd wait for next semester to roll around, wait till he was a little more settled in, and try again then.

This had been their topic of debate when Patton and Logan had driven to go pick Virgil up from a play date. Janus was at home with the twins, so it was just the two of them in the car. It had taken a long time for Virgil to be comfortable enough to stay at a friends house without Logan, Patton, or Janus also being present. But his friends and the other parents had been patient, and now Virgil would often beg them to let him go over to a friends house, or for them to be able to come to theirs. He'd even begun going to sleep overs every once in a while, though those were still fairly new and he sometimes still struggled.

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