Chapter 22: Desire Boot Camp

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3rd Person

The woman's lips trembled. She didn't know what emotion this tremble came from. Disgust? Anger? Fear? It all boiled inside of her like her body was a kettle on a stove. A minute went by before the hissing release of steam.

The blue-haired woman willed herself to raise her head, and look at who was at the door now. Was it another slave ordered to beat her into obedience? Or was it Zane himself? Back at it again. Whoever it was, they were only here for one reason: to beat her to oblivion. There was no need to look them in the eye. No need to acknowledge their presence. No need to size them up. Even if she could lift her head, there was no reason to.

So, the broken and tired woman hung in defeat. She breathed in a broken, cracked breath, steadying herself for the oncoming assault. Little did she know, it was her mate. Her astonished, furious mate. The books in her hands fell to the sticky brown floor causing Anahita to jerk and tense at the pound. Their leather covers stuck to the semi-dry puddles of blood. The woman was at least 15 feet deep in the room, how was there blood here? Why was every surface covered in it? Why? Just why?

Miley did not agree with the moon goddess's decision. She shouldn't have a female mate, nor a hybrid mate. Yet, she couldn't account for this displeasure while looking at Anahita in this state. Her heart clenched and her gut twisted. Boiling bile bubbled up her throat and burned at her esophagus. A nasty taste was left in the back of her throat. It enclosed her vocal cords, restricting them, silencing them. She fought the clot and whispered in a raspy, cracking voice.

"Fishy?" Her heart wrenched again. She still didn't know her name, only the nickname Zane had called her. It was quite obvious looking at the event the day prior that she despised the nickname. She didn't want to care.

Anahita, hearing this, opened her eyes wide. Again she tried to hold her head up, trying to look at the approacher. She did succeed in bringing her head up but wasn't able to keep it there and it fell forward. Her neck resembled that of a newborn baby's: weak as a twig. One wrong move and it would snap, leaving her to choke on blood, drool, and anything but oxygen until her heart finally drummed its last beat.

Miley stood watching Anahita continue struggling to lift her head. Hell, it was more than just her head. Her legs shook as she tried to ease the pressure on her hands by tip-toeing the floor. But it was no use, she couldn't hold her body weight with a couple of measly toes. Especially not after the beating she took. The harassment and rape she took. She couldn't fight them, couldn't disobey them, couldn't free him. But, Miley could free her. Well, she could try.

Miley unchained her mate and carried her to a...cleaner corner of the room. Using the end of her dress she wrapped her wounds to the best of her ability. Immediately the white material was soaked red. The woman tried to ignore the spots of black in her vision, but exhaustion set in and she closed her eyes. Now with Anahita resting peacefully Miley pulled a chair to the middle of the room, under the chains that continued to hang from the ceiling. The room was dead still, dead quiet except for the shallow breath of Anahita and the rise and fall of her chest.

Miley was waiting for Zane. Sooner or later he or one of his goons would show up to continue their beating. Either or, they would find Miley in her place. She had accepted the fact that she may die attempting to save her mate. But she had made up her mind. No matter how much she detested her mate, her heart could not let this go on.

Speaking of which, her heart was pumping quickly. She was nervous. Insanely nervous. She was about to defy and persuade a powerful but psychotic villain. A villain that could reach inside and litter his mark on your mind. A mark that could induce eternal submission and obedience. She'd become a mindless slave like the other wolves that littered the castle. There was no telling what Zane would make her do. Miley would risk her life for her mate, someone she didn't even want. Someone whose injuries turned her nervousness into fury. Still, a sexy smile brandished her lips.

It took about an hour but Zane finally showed up. He still wore that white suit even though he knew it would get bloody. He stood still in surprise when he was met with the redhead. She continued to smile.

"Such drastic measures you have to take to train the help, Zane." He gave a questioning glare.

"How did you find this room?"

"Oh, I came upon it by chance, but I believe it was for a reason. I can be of use in more ways than one. " She pushed herself from the chair and walked over to the blank man. Her meticulously evil hands traveled up his taunt chest. She smirked, he was distracted.

"And how is that?"

"That's a secret daddy. But, I always get my way." She stroked him and bit her lip. Her left leg lifted to the side of Zane, and he took the bait. His rough hand gripped her thigh, pulling the leg higher and her pelvis closer. "If you appoint fishy here to me, she'll be a dog in just a few weeks. Doesn't that sound so nice? Having a slave that listens to your every demand? Say what you want it to say. Do what you want it to do. Without you having to do anything" She leaned in close, and bit his ear. The atmosphere was grappling and she paused to abuse it. "Completely and utterly compliant."

"I must admit, you are very persuasive." He forced her to angle her head to the side. A wolf's act of submission. "But, why should I give you this slave? She's mine!" His threatening voice was like suede and he bit against Miley's neck harshly. Pain is nothing to Miley, and she kept her composure.

"Oh, she is yours, always will be. Think of it like this, you're just sending her off to boot camp. I'll train her for a little, then return her to you in...perfect -obedient- condition." A moment went by, his eyes shifting between both girls. But he was convinced. Miley was permitted to "train" Anahita.


Anahita woke up with a jolt. Her body lurched forward but was surprised when she realized she was in water. Warm cascades rolled over her body, helping with the ache in her muscles and bones. The blood that had previously masked her perfect pale skin was scrubbed off. Her hair had been washed as well and gave off a simple scent of vanilla.

Her mind raced in panic. She disregarded her body's plea to stay in the calming water and climbed out. In her panicked state, she didn't notice her surroundings. All she cared about was returning to her room. She was naked and vulnerable, weak as well. Someone had bathed her while she was unconscious. It's scary as hell thinking that someone could have taken advantage of her while she was passed out. It's happened before. It took her a while to heal from that incident.

Almost a wave of water dropped from her as she pulled herself out of the tub. Her feet pattered on the cold bathroom floor. On the way out she grabbed a towel off the rack. As quick as she could she wrapped it around her waist and ran out the door.

Miley had heard the commotion and stood ready by the door. Seemingly unimpressed and bored, her arms crossed her chest. Miley ran into her with a yelp. Scared, she jumped back with a rampant heartbeat. Then there was silence.

They stood a couple of feet apart. Miley waited for a question, a plea from Anahita. Or, as she knows her as, fishy. But, nothing came from her quivering lips. So, she took the initiative and walked closer. She was going to state her desires and hopefully calm her mate down at the same time.

"Calm down." The redhead whispered while slowly introducing her hands to Anahita's face. Her cheeks specifically. She let it happen. Maybe she was simply touched-starved but she loved the contact. Although she was fearful a few moments before, she was relaxing in her mate's hands. No longer did her heart beat at a mile a minute. Both girls willed themselves to lean in. Connect their lips despite all that was against them. They were smart enough to know not to submit to their desires. Right?  

May 31, 2022

1,515 Words

Sorry this chapter is so late. I promise I'll try to be better about posting updates.  Thanks for reading!

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