Chapter 24: Seaweed and Beans

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POV: Sheamus

When regarding Azayrians, most relate our powers to the fictional cartoon The Avatar: The Last Airbender. What is different between us and them is the meaning of each element. For us who can control earth, it's not large rocks and chunks of the ground. It's about the life inside it. The trees, the leaves, and all the animals that nurture and are nurtured from the earth. So, instead of throwing around dirt, I can make plants grow and move how I want them to.

Plants, as well as everything else on earth, carry energy. This energy is what I can feel and manipulate. Trees and other harder and larger plants take more energy to manipulate and can drain me entirely if I bend them too much. Whereas blooming a single flower takes nearly no effort. Every plant is different, which causes some trouble from time to time. It may cause some trouble today. I've never had to mess with seaweed before. Actually, I've never messed with anything underwater. Underground? Yes. Not underwater. I clicked my tongue.

"I may have to get closer." I turned to the two others. "I've never had to manipulate anything underwater before."

"Alrig-" Kale began to speak before Charlie interrupted. He's been quite rude lately.

"Just focus hon, you can do it." He gave me a small kiss on my forehead and turned me around, ushering me to try with a beckoning hand motion. I sighed. As much as I appreciate his trust in me and my abilities, I am not this "all-powerful"-"can do anything" superhero. Like most, I have limitations. And personally, I don't want to embarrass myself in front of Kale.

"Okay," I said shakily while shifting my weight. Which was hard, because I was hunched into the ground. Phew. Forget the anxiety. Forget the pressure. I got this. Feel the seaweed, be the seaweed. I exhaled, feeling its energy.

"Are you doing it?" I just gave Charlie the side eye. I love him. I love him so much. But, he is a literal child. I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on that energy again.

Under the ship, under the waves, I could trace it all in my mind. Feel the push and the pull of the tide. The way it crashed into the bottom of the ship. Pushing it towards the beach, but its anchors kept it in place. I searched deeper. I could almost feel them brush against my fingertips as I reached out my power. I could feel its energy. It's a life source. And I grabbed onto it.

The others gasped as I opened my eyes. I had grown the plants to extraordinary lengths. Long enough to reach the ship if I wanted to. But, I didn't want to make a commotion like that. Yet. Instead of scaring the shit out of a bunch of douchebag pirates, I just made sure that they weren't going anywhere, anytime soon.

"Yes, you did it!" Kale exclaimed as quietly as he could. But, the traders wouldn't have heard their shout anyway. The propellers, if they were at full speed, could have easily cut through the plant. Thankfully, they were moving as slow as molasses. The seaweed I grew wrapped around the large propellers, causing them to groan and come to a loud clunky stop. I may have also clogged and linked the miscellaneous pipes and holes that emptied along the bottom of the boat.

"I knew you could." Charlie whispered and playfully pushed his shoulder into mine. His approving smile made my heart bubble. I've been told "bubble" is a weird way to put it, but it's how he made me feel. All bubbly.

The men on the beach were pulled away from their tasks by the loud noise. Those that were on the boardwalk could feel the boat rumble. One even fell off. I let out a snort. Thankfully, no one noticed as they all rushed onto the boat.

"Alright, let's set up camp."


"How long do you think it'll take them to fix everything?"

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