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wandas pov

nat got back and i herd her arguing with someone in the main room, it sounded like a males voice he seemed russian. i got up to investigate when y/n whined holding onto my arm tightly. 

"do you know whos out there?" i question her 

"mama's papa" she mumbles her face still in a pillow 

"nats dad?" i question she nods opening 1 eye. it was around 4pm now so the rest of the team is on their way back should be back within the hour 

"cuddles" she whines "its my birthday tomorrow" she smirks. 

"i need to go get a drink tho" i say holding her hand swinging it side to side "ill be back buba" i kiss her head but she just holds her arms out. i roll my eyes picking y/n up as seh continues to cuddle me. "are you alright" i ask? but she just stays quiet. im confused but i wont push her. 

walking out of the room i see they have stopped arguing. kinda just looking at eachother. awkwardly i clear my throat and they both turn to me. nat looks annoyed at first but when she sees us she softens. 

"hi" i whisper intimidated by the glare the big man was sending 

"hey guys, the others should be back soon" she tells me and i nod. i think y/n is sleeping again "she good?"

"yeah just a long day with mj" i answer smiling nat nods running a hand through her hair 

"wanda this is alexi, alexi wanda" she sighs

"lovely to meet you  " he grins and i nod giving him a small smile

"what are you doing here" nat asks the man and i can tell this is a family issue so i grab my tea and leave

nats pov

"what i cant visit my avenger daughter" i look at him with a look

"natashaaa come on please you know im better than that now. i mean look at me i look great and the suit still fits" he smiles showing off the red thing. i roll my eyes. shaking my head 

"please just warn me next time, you scared my daughter"

"yes my grand daughter. she is lovely girl."


yeah thats it sorry, for now at least. i cant be bothered and im about to go for a shower anyway sooooo yeah. 

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