Movie Night (Juicy x Narrator)

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Juicy Pov

Grant is coming over tonight for a movie night. I need to clean so much. I've kinda let my apartment go to shit and now that Grant is coming over, I kinda have to clean. Otherwise that might very easily be a deal breaker. I grab a garbage bag and trudge to my room. I throw all the wrappers of microwave dinners and candy into the garbage bag. Even if we might not even end up in my room, it's better to be safe than sorry. And if I'm already cleaning everything else, why not just clean my room as well. I fold the blankets that are a stray in my room and put that back in the living room, tucked into the footrest so that they're easy to grab but not in the way. I decide to make some popcorn, even if Grant might not eat any. I'm hungry for it and I'd rather not have to try and please Grant rather than just eating. And how can you watch a movie WITHOUT popcorn? Are you ok if you don't? I pull out a few sodas from their boxes and put them in the fridge along with some beer. While I'm in the middle of doing that, I hear a knock at the door.

"Just a minute!" I shout. I assume it's the mailman, since Grant isn't supposed to be here for another... F*ck that's probably him! I shove the rest of the drinks into the fridge and hope they get cold in time. I fly to the door and open it.

"Hey, babe," Grand says and leans down to place a kiss on my forehead. I blush.

"Hey," I say. "Sorry, not everything is clean. I thought I had more time."

"It looks fine. Do you have any movies picked out?" Grant asks.

"I was just gonna leave it up to you," I say.

"Well..." Grant starts listing off movies I've never heard before, and I try and find them on one of my streaming services. We snuggle up on the couch after I get my popcorn. Grant ends up eating most of it, which I don't really care that much about. When we're done with the movie, I look over at Grant to see what he wants to do.

"Do you wanna watch another movie?" I ask.

"Sure , but can we move to your room? I don't think this couch is big enough for the both of us," Grant says.

"Yeah sure. Do you want something to drink?"

"Nah I'm good," Grand says. Before I can get up off the couch, Grant is picking me up bridle style and carrying me to my room. I blush at the domesticness of it all. We both end up falling asleep in my bed. It was a good movie night.

                           THE END!

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!

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