Chapter 3

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"Stand up straight dear." A cold voice said as it emerged from the shadows.

"M-mother?" Regina said as she thought that her legs might just give out.

"Hello Regina."

"I thought she was in Wonderland." Emma whispered in her wife's ear.

"Me too." Regina replied. "Mother what are you doing here?"

"Is it wrong for a mother to want to come visit her child?" Cora answered with a crooked grin.

"How did you find us Mother?" Regina asks regaining her composure.

"When we had left Storybrooke earlier today Cora had wanted to come with us to see Regina and she threatened to take our hearts if we didn't." Snow answers.

"I heard I had 3 grandchildren and I wanted to meet them." Cora adds.

"Welp that's too bad because I am not going to let you anywhere near my children." Regina replies. Regina then walks inside her house pulling Emma with her and slamming the door. Cora then decides that now is the time to meet her grandchildren so she poofs inside the house.

"Mother." Regina practically growls. "Get OUT of my house!"

"I want to see my grandchildren."

"Why couldn't today just be normal? I just wanted to have a nice relaxing night with my family. BUT NO. You and those idiot Charmings decided that tonight was the night to come and try to ruin everything. Why can't you just LEAVE. US. ALONE?"

"I came here to try to mend things between us. Don't you miss your dear old mummy?"

"No. No, I do not." In time Regina has come to realize how everything that has gone wrong in her life has been because of the women in front of her. Honestly, she doesn't hate Snow...well she does. Just not for the death of Daniel. "Would you please just leave?" She says in a pleading voice.

Regina was so overwhelmed right now and tired, so  very tired. She's definitely going to have to talk to her therapist about this.

"Gina baby are you alright?" Emma asks softly, seeing as Regina's eyes become farther and farther away.

"I need her to leave Em. Why won't she leave?" Regina reply's, Emma's voice bringing her back to the present.

"I know baby."

"Please get her to leave." She clings onto Emma's shirt like it's a lifeline, pushing her head into her wife's shoulder.

"Cora you need to leave. You aren't even supposed to be here. If you leave right now we might be able to come to some sort of agreement so you can see the kids but at the moment you cannot be in our home."

"Alright Savior. No need to be hostile I'll leave. But I really do just want to see my grandchildren. I have gotten my heart back and I really do regret all that I have done to Regina." She says and surprisingly to Emma her lie detector doesn't ping.

"Thank you Cora, but what you've done to her is going to take way more than one apology to atone for." Emma replies, knowing Regina won't be able to at the moment (seeing as she's still clinging to her like a koala). "And please make sure they leave too." Cora nods her head in acknowledgement.

They know she's gone when the door slams shut.

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