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"Murphy, Rayla." Professor McGonagall called from the stands.

Rayla felt her heart vibrate. She slowly walked up to the stool trembling.

She sat down and as soon as she did a large leather hat covered her eyes.

Hmm, very interesting.

A voice, not her own, spoke in her head.

You my dear have a heart of gold. And your loyalty is admirable! But..... I see as well great ambition and the cunning to get there. Now to decide......

Rayla Murphy, 11, was from Liverpool, England. In the town of Walton, she lived in the 13th house on her street.

She lived with her mother and her six year old brother. Her father had left for another woman. They moved to America and her step mother, Kim, became pregnant within the first couple months. Their daughter, Cadence, is now five.

Rayla never sees her father but they do send letters to one another from time to time. Her mother, on the other hand, Rayla sees her every day and loves it.

Willow Bailey-Murphy is the mother of Rayla and Thomas Murphy. She works in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. She is secretary to the head, Ludo Bagman. Odd man he is, always making moves on her mother.

As you can see from the information I've provided Rayla has lived a wonderful life so far. Sure she has no father figure, or as much as she should, but an excellent mother who steps up to the plate and provides for her family. Rayla has an adorable, if not annoying, baby brother and decent money.

Most would describe her as, bubbly, loyal, kind natured, ambitious, talkative, and outgoing.

Just an all around great person with a great family. But this bliss won't last forever. This is a story about underdogs becoming brave warriors in time of need. Overcoming obstacles and seeing the truth.

And if you need to search for truth, pain is fogging your path.

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