Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Father

Raylas' heart dropped.

Slytherin!? The evil house!?

She slowly and awkwardly got up, nearly tripping on her robes.

The green clad table cheered and welcomed her. She sat down next to a loudly clapping boy.

"Hello, Rayla was it?" He asked.

"Y-yes." She hesitantly said.

She turned and saw Zach give her a thumbs up. But the red haired boy she had ran into on the train looking at her, slightly hurt.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. I'm a pureblood, what's your blood status?"

"Well my dad was a pureblood, but my mom is a halfblood, her grandma was a muggle born."

"Oh, I see."

And after that there was a small awkward pause.

"Uh what job does your dad have?" He asked.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in years. My mom's assistant to the head of magical games and sports thingy though."

"That's interesting, I suppose." He said shifting away a little bit. Rayla put her head down.

Time flew by, and more and more students got sorted. Eventually the famous Harry Potter was called.

Harry Potter!? We're the same age?

Rayla thought in bewilderment as she watched the skinny, dark haired, bespectacled boy sit on the stool of fate.

She waited holding her breath, much like everyone else in the room, waiting for the hat to decide. The wizarding world's unintentional hero was about to be sorted and it was safe to say, each student hoped their house would get him.

Rayla on the other hand, did not. She was hoping to bring fame and turn around her house's reputation by herself. And she didn't need some boy, who really didn't actually do anything that night, messing that up.

Whatever house he was in, would be cast in shadow. Only Harry being remembered.

Fifteen ish minutes flew by, but it seemed like forever. Some students broke their nails in anticipation.


The hat called.

Loud cheers were heard from the Gryffindor table. Some more so screeches than cheering.

Rayla smiled slightly as she watched the boy walk to the ear shattering table. He was her competitor, but maybe someday her friend.

Rayla looked towards Zach. He seemed uninterested and was fiddling with his robes.

She looked towards Draco. He was practically seething.

"Damn Potter." He said through gritted teeth.

Rayla gulped slightly. One wrong move and he looked ready to kill.

More and more time passed and Rayla felt herself getting hungrier and hungrier. Eventually Zach was sorted, but it was into Hufflepuff.

He waved at her and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back sadly and waited for her acquaintance Ron to get sorted.

He was also in Gryffindor.

She watched as he sat with a bundle of other redheads and Harry. She smiled warmly and caught his glowing eyes for a second or so.

His smile reached both of his ears and he jumped for joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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