Zodiac Sign BC Why Not

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Dear reader,

Rayla was born on August 30th, 2:19 pm, 1980.

I believe in the majority of zodiac signs. Like most modern females of this planet. Curiosity did get ahold of me and I wanted to know Rayla's zodiac information.

I input what I needed into Nebula, a Zodiac sign app, and I screenshoted the most important things. Is as follows;

 Is as follows;

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Looking through all of her info it's pretty accurate to the character

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Looking through all of her info it's pretty accurate to the character. Except of course that on there she should be introverted but she is a big social butterfly. Goes to show only 99% of your Zodiac sign is accurate. If you want to know more just download nebula and put in what I have.

And for location just do Liverpool, England. 😃😃😃😃



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