Dora's love life goes amazingly wrong

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It was a beautiful shining spring day. Dora woke up, happy that swiper had not swiped her glittering diamond $100 curtains that she had stolen from Walmart.

 She leapt out of bed, almost giving Boots an Intracranial hematoma, but luckily her foot missed. Deciding to try a new unique outfit she pulled on a pink t shirt and some neon orange shorts. (Slayy)

Then she went downstairs to eat breakfast.

After breakfast she decided to Snapchat her boyfriend Shrek

He left her on read so she texted the guy she was cheating on him with instead

His name was Diego, and she thought he was very hot. 

Hey Big D, want to come round later? 

They where cousins, but they had moved from Mexico to Alabama, so everything was legal.

Diego replied:

sure ;)

A few hours later, Dora was getting everything ready for Diego coming round. Well actually Dora was watching her own show on tv (she is a famous and successful queen slay), but she made Boots tidy the house and make dinner.

But, suddenly things went amazingly wrong.

Hearing a knock at the door, Dora yelled at Boots to go and open it, he did.

But instead of Diego standing at the door it was Shrek

'Shrek? What are you doing here? I thought you were busy?' said Dora confusedly.

'Oh, I had plans but they got cancelled' Shrek sneakily said. (you see, Shrek was also cheating on Dora with Diego, and he was going to go to Diego's house but instead Diego said he was busy, because he was going to Dora's)

At that moment there was a knock at the door.

'BOOTS' Dora yelled, Boots ran and opened the door.

'Diego?' both Shrek and Dora exclaimed loudly.

'Uhh' Diego looked very confused, 'I think there is some explaining we need to do'.


Chapter Notes:

This is my first time writing fanfiction, I hope it isn't too bad lol.

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