Part 3

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⚠️Graphic description of murder (not really but still warned)

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⚠️Graphic description of murder (not really but still warned)

⚠️Graphic description of murder (not really but still warned)

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"Grab that cover and help me take her into the forest. Jacob go get your sister some clothes! Okay, lift in 3 2 1, up!" Groans huffed out the teen's mouth as they lifted your 500-pound body from the ground.

You whimper at this, unconscious yet still aware of pain. "Is it just me, or is she larger than normal." The voice was muffled, you knew it yet you couldn't pinpoint who it was. Is this a dream? "She's a descendent from the great chief. And who knows who the hell her mom is. You'd think she'd be smaller? Don't be dumb Quil."

Quil... that name sounds so familiar... I just need a face. Ugh, why can't I open my eyes? I need to- I need to see what's happening... Where are they taking me? I feel so... light.

"You can't blame him, Paul. Our only female wolf is Leah, how would we compare that?" This voice was more soft, kiddish almost. "Don't bring me in this." That must be Leah.

All these names only made you frustrated, a grunt rumbling in your chest. "She's waking up. Sit her down. Okay, yeah make sure she's covered."

"We'll see her naked one of these days." Whoever Paul was, says with an attitude.

"Over my dead body." Jacob. Yeah, I remember his voice. His annoying ass voice.  His annoying face. Siblings, am I right? "Y/n, it's sam," sam... sam, sam... "I know it's hard to remember right now, the transformation does that to you. I wish I could tell you why, but I truly just don't know the's kinda all new to us as well." What's he talking about.

"I know you can't respond right now. The pain does that. I know it's hard to believe but... you're not exactly you right now." What does that mean?..  You were hurting so much. You tried to remember the last thing that happened. Come on... think, think... You got home from the gas station... sat down on the couch for a while. It all felt so blurry, how long were you on that couch? You remember the living room dimming from the sun setting. It all seems so foggy, you were staring into space.

Small flashes of memory started to come back. You remember feeling angry, smoking as you looked at nothing. Somethings there... you just can't reach...oh. Wait.

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