Made for me

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Mr Fabians Pov

I drop Milani off at the door and i start walking to my class. As always first period is the worst. This class is always so damn chaotic. I sit down and start calling roll. As I'm grading papers while sipping my coffee, i hear my phone going off. Its my wife again angry and disappointed.

Di'Angelo: Yes my love

Cecilia: First of all why in the hell didn't you leave the door open! Second why are you misplacing things, i have them in an certain place for a reason!

Di'Angelo: Again with the arguing

Cecilia: i am just trying teach you proper home training since your mother didn't teach you.

Di'Angelo: Don't you dare disrespect my mother like that are you crazy!

Cecilia: No but i will continue be on your ass for not doing shit properly.

Di'Angelo: You know what, fuck you! i don't have time for this.

Cecilia: How dare you talk to your own wife like that.

By that I was so over the top. I just want this day to be over. I don't even want to go home with that crazy bitch. I question myself everyday, Why did i marry a crazy like her. Theres so many better women. Like Milani, Shes sweet, has a nice smile, and a nice, sexy body too.

Somedays i just wish she was around my age. I would fuck her in a heartbeat. My dick already getting hard from the thought of it. Her legs wrapped around my neck, My dick slowly going inside of her with a passion. Im just craving her curvy body, her thick thighs, her plump ass, what more could you possibly want.

As my mind began wondering as I began thinking about my dear student. My mind began to undress Milani, her naked body pressed against mine. Her delicate fingers wrapping around my large shaft as she slowly pumped up and down in slow teasing matter. I played with her breasts while she was moaning out my name beneath me. I could imagine how it felt to be inside of her. Oh how I desperately wanted to pound into her and let my load out inside of her.  

I keep telling myself to snap out of it. At this point I'm thinking about making my move on her. Hopefully i don't make it weird. I don't want to lose what we have together.

It almost 5th period and I just can't wait to see her.
I want her to be mine and only mine.

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