Time Crunch

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The next morning I woke up to my alarm. It was a nice Tuesday morning but I'm not even ready for the day ahead of me. I wake him telling him that it's 6 am. He groans a little bit but he gets up. He says " I'll be late going to school but don't you be late. I tell him I wont, as he puts his shirt and pants on. I sneak him out the window and I watch him walk around the corner to his car. I close my window and I start getting ready. Today I decided to put on a really nice skirt. It was really tight on me so I made sure I didn't eat to much. I put on my high heel shoes and head downstairs. I see my brother by himself watching tv, not even dressed.

Milani: Haru, Why aren't you dressed!?

Haru: Mom and Dad left me here.

Milani: They left here all alone!?

Haru: Yea, but it's ok tho.

Milani: No it's not. Go get dressed and I'll take you to school.

Haru: Ok!

*sigh* I check the time and its already 7:20 am. Ik im going to be late to school. I wait for 20 minutes for haru and I'm just so annoyed. I bet that my dad had to leave work for an early shift and told Maliya to take haru to school and she didn't. I swear once i get home from school I'm going to "shake her to death" as my mom would say. I miss her. I'm sick and tired of this old hag of a step-mother.

Haru: Ok lani I'm ready!

Milani: Ok haru, the car door is open. I'll meet you outside.

I grab a granola bar from the pantry and head out to my car. I start the ignition and drive. I finally dropped him off 10 minutes later. I check the time and I'm officially late. I finally made it to school at 9:00 and I try to sneak in the class.

Ms Roberts: After paragraph- Milani, why are you late?

Milani: Sorry Ms Roberts i wont happen again.

Ms Roberts: Do you have a pass?

Milani: No Ma'am

Ms Roberts: Im sorry but your gettin written up.

Angelica: Aww the teacher's pet getting written up again. Mr Fabian's not going to be happy with you.

Milani: Shut up Angelica. You are no right to speak with that fucked up plastic surgery you got.

Angelica: Well at least I'm not-

Milani: What? Oh you don't have anything smart to say huh? Oh i see. Im not going to go back and forth wit a bitch who's built backwards.

After arguing with her I find my seat and sit down. I try to catch up with the class and about 20 minutes later the bell rings. I try to find Amanda and tell her about last night. I cant find her anywhere, Im just going to text her. As I'm texting her I bump into Mr Fabian. He pulls me to the corner where nobody can hear or see us and he says " Hey baby, how's your morning so far?" I replied saying " My morning is hectic as fuck." " What's been going on" he says. " Well my brother was left in the house and i had to take him to school." I said. He replies saying "Were you late?" I didn't respond " Answer the question, Were you late?" He says heatedly. I responded with "Yes, Unfortunately I was late." He tells me that its fine and walks away. I look around and I see Amanda walking with our old friend Marlise.

Milani: Hey guys!

Marlise: Hi lani!

Amanda: Hey lani! Wanna join me to walk mar to her class?

Milani: Of course!

We walk together and catch up, then we split our ways to go to our 2nd period. 2nd period Science is easy as pie. I could just skip if I want to but we have to much security right now. Rumor spread that people have been selling drugs, this has been going on for years and their just now finding out. I entered the class and sit down taking notes. I grabbed my phone to to finally text Amanda that we need to talk about last night. An hour later i meet up with her and we go to our favorite spot.

Amanda: What do you mean you slept with him!? Are you insane!?

Milani: Yea, I slept with him.

Amanda: I thought you were a teacher's pet not a teacher's slut. Did you at least enjoy it?

Milani: Of course I enjoyed it. I mean just look at him.

Amanda: Alright if you say so. I guess i can support you guys what, relationship?

Milani: Well its not a relationship yet.

Amanda: do you want it to?

Milani: Yea it would be nice.

Amanda: Then you should talk to him, make it official.

Milani: I could try but I don't know how he would react.

Amanda: By what your telling me and the messages you showed me, I think he wants to be official with you.

I decided to take her advice and talk to him, but I don't know how. He really chill but I really don't want to upset him. I walk my way to lunch and sit with the rest of my friends. Obviously there was commotion because a fight happened.

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