soviet onion X no no gerMOANy 😘😘😗😗😍😍😘

394 3 8

Soviet onion
- female ( probably trans )
- motherland
-  big MILKY BOOBAS  and big fat ass ass including thick mf
- gwurl boss/ material gwurl 💪💪💪
-  pp size : 5253764366533542 inch

no no gerMOANy
- male
- fatherland
- fuRRAY
- feet
- big freaking SIMP
- pp size: 2 inch  ( sad 💔 )
Narator pov

" YO SEGSSY HOT BABA GIRL WANNA FUCK 😍😍😍😍?!? " the no no furry gerMOAN yell  at ussr seggsy ear  😘😘  " OFC  WHY TF NOT GO AHEAD AND FILL MY FUCKING ASS HOLE WITH YOUR FUCKING SEGGSY FEET FURRY CWM  😍😍  " the  big bboobas milky boobs respond  " OKAYYYYY PUSSAY 😍"  the 2 inch man said then he sacrifice his life and take the soviet in his arm and throw  her on the fucking  crusty cold  feety  floor 😘😘  but then as he take of the material gwurl underwear he realise that the " material gwurl " was not an material gwurl but.. an material bwoiy with an 8163637273826455 inch pp size compared to his 2 inch pp 😔😔💔💔💔 

Then the poor furry ended up being top 💔 like an fucking weak bitch

The end 😜

COUNTRYHUMANS SMUT 😍😍😍😍 💪💪💪 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin