banana dick x weak chiken wings x cucumber dick

263 2 12

Germany ( banana divk )
- top
- pp size : banana
- furry
- sexuality : depression

Poland ( weak chiken wings )
- being invade
-  homophobic ( nah nah )
- weak
-  favorite fruits : banana and cucumber
- sexuality: catholic
- pp size : 1 inch

Hungary ( cucumber dick)
- top
- pp size : cucumber
- sexuality: alcoholic
- pigeon

Narator pov

" SO YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH YOUR " best friend" the german yell " yo look im literely not sorry but l was freaking drunk okay " the chiken wings tried to explain
" HOW COULD YOU SUCK ANOTHER PERSON FEET INSTEAD OF MINE!? " the banana asked "  b-because theres where more dirty and segxxy  than yours💔💔" the pigeon respond while crying    " BUT WHAT ABOUT MINE?!?  " the feetish man   demand about to cry  " IM SO SRY IS FEET TASTED SO MUCH SALTY AND HE WAS SO GOOD AT SINGING  SQUIDWARD NOSE 💔💔" the weak bitch finally explain
  " yeah dude dont be mad it wasn't its fault that your feet are not really salty and that ur not good at singing squidward nose 😑 dumb dumb"  the hungarian said appearing from your mama ass  " im sry what?!? No its just that you cheat! " the furry  replied  " bet? "  " okay bet" 
the two said " hmm what does this mean?? " the pole asked but then after germoany take him in his arm and throw him on the bed  and then the two dominant stated to take of their unholy socks " NOOOO💔💔💔 "  the chiken wings yell but too late the german and the hungarian put their banana/cucumber toes in poland mouth 😔😔 



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