Horror Movies

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"I really don't want to watch this trash, Ed!"

You tossed the VHS at Eddie and flopped down on the couch, burying your head into one of your moms over embroidered pillows.

"It's literally so fucking good. Never call it trash!" Eddie scooped the VHS up and pushed it onto the player, setting up the TV and shutting off the lights.

You had always hated horror movies. You hated everything scary, especially cheap scares like they did in awful Hollywood movies. Of course though, you had to be with the connoisseur of horror and adored everything about it. Eddie lifted up your legs and sat down beside you, laying them gently back down on his thighs. You flushed a bit and hugged the pillow tighter as the beginning credits rolled through. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Just a couple teenagers doing the usual of getting chopped up.

Boy were you terribly wrong. Ten minutes in your entire face was covered and you were a trembling mess. Eddie was a jerk for making you watch something he knew you'd hate.

"Baby are you okay?" Eddie moved your legs and laid down behind you, pulling you against him. You stayed silent as he wrapped his strong arms around you and buried his face into the nape of your neck. 

"I hate horror!" You whined and intertwined your fingers with his. He smiled and nodded but just went back to holding you. You knew no matter what you did he would not change the movie. You huffed and closed your eyes, fully preparing to sleep just to avoid the dramatic blood and gore. As soon as you started to drift off Eddie randomly grabbed you and screamed in your ear, making you jump and roll off the couch. You hit the floor with a hard THUNK and grimaced in pain. 

"Holy shit Y/N I am so sorry." Eddie quickly sat up and grabbed your arm, trying to pull you back onto the couch. Tears ran down your cheeks as you rubbed your elbow, it getting the most of the fall. 

"Oh baby." Eddie sank to the floor beside you and gently took your arm and trailed kisses up and down it. Your face blushed red as he pulled you closer to get a better looko. You had hit it pretty hard and was already getting a deep bruise. 

"I guess we don't have to watch 

Eddie Munson One Shots (Requests: OPEN✅)Where stories live. Discover now