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You were awaken by a loud knock at your door. Being home alone you didn't really like the sound of it but knew you had beter go out and check it after hearing the countless police sirens pass by your house. Slowly, you crept down the stairs and peaked your head out of the window, seeing a tall figure at the door. You took a deep breath and opened it, seeing a very bewildered Eddie Munson on your stoop. 


"Hi Y/N can I come in please?" 

You gave him a questioning look but stepped aside to let him in. He quickly came in and slammed the door behind him, locking it and sliding the deadbolt into place. You heart picked up as he scrambled around your living room to close the curtains. 

"What the hell is going on?" 

Eddie smiled and shurgged his shoulder. 

"Whatcha mean?" 

You blinked slowly and stepped closer to him. His clothes were a wrinkled mess and he was soaked with sweat. He had obviously been running. 

"What did you do, Eddie?" 

He dropped to his knees and let out a wail, shaking his head. 

"I swear I didn't kill her Y/N. I promise you! It was some ghost or demon or some shit! You have to believe me." 

You took a step back and bumped into the coffee table, causing the lamp to fall off of it with a loud crash. Eddie let out a yelp and fell backwards. Your heart was pounding out of your chest and you felt pinned to the floor. You knew Eddie was not the greatest of people but you never thought of him to be the murderous type. 

"C-calm down." Your voice shook as you got to your knees and reached your hand out to him, trying to iffer up some comfort to the crying man. 

"I promise you, I didn't do anything." He looked up at you, blood from a cut under his eye running down his face mixing with his tears. 

"I believe you. Let's just get you cleaned up okay?" 

You galloped up the stairs to the bathroom to get a towel and the first aid kit while Eddie stayed in the middle of the living room floor. If Eddie was lying then... You shook the thought from your head and collected everything that you needed and made your way back downstairs. You sat down in front of him and opened the first aid kit to see what you would need. He only seemed to have the one scratch so a bandaid would probably do okay. 

"Are you not mad?" Eddie asked as you brushed his hair out of his face to get a better look at the cut. 

"Why would I be mad? You said you didn't do anything, right?"

He nodded his head and kept his eyes casted to the floor as you cleaned up his entire face. After you cleaned the area of the scratch you gently pressed the bandaid to his pale skin and packe up the kit. You had no clue on what to do. Eddie was telling you one this but honestly the curiosity was killing you.

"What happened?" You asked bluntly as you still sat in front of him. He took a deep sigh and leaned back on his hand as he began to tell you about the evening. You were puzzled why someone like Chrissy would want drugs but you assumed Eddie didn't know either. If you were with someone like Jason you would probably want some way to cope also. You stared at him in awe as he described what happened. It sounded like something straight out of a horror movie but... something that no one could simply make up. Not even someone like Eddie who played that weird board game with the freshmen. After he was finsihed he simply stared at you, assuming you would throw him out and turn him into the police. He did sound like a madman but you believed him. 

"You know there going to come looking for you, right? Probably like the whole damn town." 

"I know. Maybe I should go and turn myself in."

You shook your head and stood up, putting out your hand for Eddie to take. He reluctantly took it and you pulled him up. 

"My uncle has like a boat house. No one ever goes to it this time of year and it is so secluded that deer just walk up to you and say hi." You grabbed your car keys and purse and grabbed one of your dads jackets and tossed it to Eddie. 

"You can stay there for now until things clear up." 

He shook his head but you cut him off before he could say anything. 

"This is me helping, accept it." 

Eddie Munson One Shots (Requests: OPEN✅)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora