i. Red Jasper

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Around 100 years after a gem was born, a certain man with a black robe resembling a Buddhist's monk fit walks to the shore, where all the life of the lustrous begin.

This is his routine for 100 to 1000 years, he never forgets to write down a mental note so he'll visit the shore without fail. But there are times where he forgets, and the fellow adrogynous gems would remind him to do so.

"Kongo-sensei, where are you going..?" Yellow Diamond, one of the younger gem would be the one trailing the bigger man everywhere he goes. The yellow is always curious by hearing stories from his seniors, and thus, marking the 100th year of his birth the man lets the gem follow him to the shore on the gem's special day. "To the shore," Adamant replies.

The Shore of Nascency.

About a few years prior, maybe around 70 years ago, a red gem was found twitching on the same shore the yellow was born. Well--they're not exactly 'birthed' to the world by the way the former living things that the older had seen. Instead, the lustrous were washed up to the beach, where each one of them would form a set of limbs attached to them. Sometimes, they would come in a full set of body, but chunks of themselves might not develop fully. Like the namely Padparadscha.

His long, chunky and curly hair bats everyone's eye by the time his presence is felt. But unfortunately, he wasn't always active. Last time he was up was prior to winter hibernation around 20 years ago. Yellow said it was unfortunate, as Padpa, his nickname was really entertaining to talk to. And plus, his relationship with his older brothers weren't established much yet for them to join his antics. There weren't any young gems around besides than Padpa.

Adamant wishes he could do something to avoid the yellow's loneliness. And so every year since the red gem's last consciousness, he had skipped alot of his meditation routine (sleeping) to check by the shore every year, sometimes everyday so he could find a new friend for Yellow Diamond.

"Ah--sensei! There's a red gem right over there!" Yellow Diamond noticed a twitching figure dropping down from the tall rock. He's the first to run to the figure leaving Sensei behind. "What do we do now?" He calls Adamant.

Swiftly, the man slips in his white gloves that he always keep under his robe. He kneels down to the gem. A few of it's chunk were chipped out due to the impact when it fell down. Four limbs intact. Part of it's torso's a bit uneven, but I can manage that out. He swifts his gaze to the bob haired. "Yellow Diamond," calling the gem's full name, "Can you fetch some bowl here? Around 2-3."

"Aaalright!" The gem marches away before it turns into a run. The second both his feet spread wide, his figure was gone within a second. Only traces of yellow line trailing from his hair could be seen.
Fast as always. Adamant couldn't help but to let out a soft smile at how much the little one had grown. He diverts his gaze to the newly born gem and starts brushing off some sands on it. The gem is red, with a few gold lines spreading across its body. Adamant realises that the lights that lay on it didn't go through it's body.

Perhaps, it's an opaque gem unlike the other transparent gems. He slips both his hands under the gem and carried it on a bridal style. The gem starts twitching violently, confused as to why it was taken away. "It's fine," Adamant reassures that he won't inflict any harm as he walks away, "You're gonna make new friends to the place we're heading."

Within a blink of an eye, Yellow Diamond has finally arrived to the shore. "Sensei! These are the bowls you asked for!"
"Good. Now collect all of the remaining pieces. I'll start carving this gem once we're done."
Yellow collects all of the pieces obediently and places it inside the bowl. There weren't many small pieces, so it'll be an easy work for him and Sensei to put back the pieces together.

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