ii. Emerald

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During the last 100 years, Red Jasper grows up to be a strong gem. Having the hardness of 7, Adamant is affirmative that the little one will fight. He trains hard. Everyday, he'll begged for Opal to train him swords technique. Much to Jasper's delight, his brother lets him spar with him before pointing out any of his mistakes.

He remembers that his elders would talk about Spinel's capture during the day he was born. Emerald is still recovering, but he claims that he's able to fight. But everytime he did he shatters way to easily than before. Sensei says, that if a certain strong feelings emerged from them, they will crack open. Perhaps that's the reason Emerald would break apart.

Red Jasper grows up to be a bit quieter than Yellow, one of the young gems. Though the two shared quite a same interests of trolling their elders for fun during their day off. Eventhough he's quite serious most of the time, his face wasn't foreign to a smile every time when good things comes up.

Jasper is talking and discussing about fighting techniques when his partner, Yellow Diamond runs to the two. "Red!" he waves frantically with a huge smile on his face, "Padparadscha is awake!"
The red turns to the running figure. "No way?! How long has it been?" abandoning the elder he's talking to, Jasper runs to catch up with Yellow.
"Just about a moment ago, me and Sensei were fixing him up. Sensei says that he might be awake for atleast 70 years before going back to sleep."

"He had been sleeping for 120 years but will only stay up for 70 years? How unfair," a dissatisfied expression appeares on the red's face. Yellow giggles upon Red Jasper's stale words. He grabs the red's hand and pulled him back to the School, "We shall waste no time! Let's go talk to Padpa! Wait, how about you, Senpai?"
Yellow stops running as he notices the white-rainbowed gem standing not too far from him.

"You two go first, I need to catch up to Ruby for a while," Opal gestured for the two young gems to go. Yellow sprints, "Aaalright!"
  "Yellow! Wait! Don't run too fast, you're gonna break me!" Jasper pants heavily.

Opal could only smirked upon the two antics. It had been long since he saw the lonely yellow had any company with her since Padparadscha's unconscious. Silly kids. He sighs under his breath


"Seeensei! I bought Red with me!" Yellow's feet brakes before he would crash unto the table. A figure of Padparadscha could be seen sitting on top of the wooden table, with his iconic hair spreading across it, almost covering half of the wood. Red Jasper adjusts his hair that were messed up by the speed they were running earlier.
He then stood straightly beside his friend. His eye moved to the right where Padpa is and tried to process that once static and unmoving gem inside the box is now right infront of him, with both its eyes open and alive. The only thing that's not changing is the exposed torso of his with spots of gems.

"Good," Adamant pats the two little gem before gazing his head to the red gem on the table. "It has been 120 years, 3 months and 4 days since you last awake. Can you remember anything before going into a sleep?"
Padparadscha thinks. "Well, I certainly can't remember anything. But I'm not sure if I had seen this person before," his eyes pointed towards the gem beside the yellow.

Before Adamant could introduce the unkown gem, Yellow interrups him and brings Jasper closer to Padparadscha. "This is Red Jasper! Born on the 20th year of your long sleep. He's been a great partner ever since," Yellow then gets closer to the red's ear to whisper, "Probably even better than you."
"No fair! I know you first. How could you do this to me?"
  "It's your fault for sleeping for such a long time! I was lonely, you know? I even talked to you when you were sleeping. Now that I think about it I sounded like a madman when talking to a dead person!"
   Yellow Diamond continues. "I can't even fight when you're sleeping, because I'm sooo scared! It's your fault that I became pathetic for a whole 20 years and could do nothing!"

Red Jasper | Houseki No Kuni fanfic | Land of The LustrousWhere stories live. Discover now