V. Lost

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Jasper and Bortz are currently crouching ontop of the School Bell, so they would get a better view of Diamond. Finding Dia especially at night wouldn't be too hard, because his hair would shine brightly compared to others.

"Regarding my theory about Phos' disappearance," Jasper begins, "Which one of them will make the most sense in your opinion?"

Bortz didn't respond.

"I'm talking to you," the red irks.
  Bortz grunts annoyingly, "Dia is missing and yet you cared too much about that scrap?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. But if my theory make sense, we're able to ease Dia's worry about Phos, so he won't waste his time to find for a solution unless he finds for Cinnabar," Jasper elaborates while looking at the field.

"Would Cinnabar be any help?" scoffed Bortz.
  "He's very smart and observant. If it wasn't because of his low hardness, he'd definitely be one of our greatest asset," said Jasper.

He'd seen it all. From the born of Cinnabar to the time where he would be nowhere to be seen at the School after his mercury leaks to the gems, causing him to be forced out at night.

"Sensei said he would do something about Cinnabar, but I doubt he could yet find any solution," he continues.
Bortz grew defensive towards Adamant. "As if you can decide any better."
The red grew irritated by the ravenette's cold behavior. "I'm willing to ramble about possibilities of a suitable job for Cinnabar, well, only if you're willing to the ear to listen."

"If it will help finding Dia."
  Jasper carved a smirk. "I'll take that as a yes."
  Bortz rolled his eyes.

Though Jasper knew that cocky black had grew tired of his theoretical talk, he still rambles about the blueprints he had set in his mind.

"Cinnabar's mercury doesn't surround him like a barrier, so touching him would be no problem. It's just that he struggles with controling them. In a blink of an eye, his mercury might leak and affect us. So keeping a distance from him would be no problem."

Bortz obviously didn't listen to him. Even if he did, he wouldn't understand anyway.

"Actually, I think you and Cinnabar would get along greatly," Jasper remarked.

Bortz flinched. "And where did that exactly came from?"

A rainbow coloured light reflected on the green grasses of field. He pants heavily with a bowl of slug-turned-phos on his hand. There wasn't much danger around the land during night, but the overprotective Bortz couldn't help to feel worried about his brother.

"Dia!" Bortz leaps down to his brother immediately with growing worries on his back. "Where did you go?!"

The older trailed him from behind. He's struggling to keep his balance with only one unsevered hand and almost tripped twice. "Are you trying to find ways to bring Phos back? Did you found it?"

"It's just like what you said! Phos has turned into the snail's shell!" Dia then turns to Bortz with a pleading face, "Please let me help him!"

The ravenette gripped his fist hard. Turmoil of anger builds inside his body, rushing every part of him which screams to be let go with an outburst, but he still managed to keep his composure calm and sighed defeatedly.

"Go," Bortz simply said. And thus, Diamond rushes away from him to call the other gems for help.

Jasper didn't follow Dia though. He stays beside Bortz, trailing his gaze as Dia's shiny figure fades away.
  "Aren't you gonna go too? You're so excited just now with the most theories you presented," Bortz remarked. Comparing Euclase to Jasper, Euclase seems to be more louder with his thoughts than Jasper. So he thanks to whoever higher beings existed that these two were not close as they would be an indestructible duo with the most talks from their brains.

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