iii. Reason

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"G'morning..." Yellow murmured between his yawns. He rubs his eyes lazily as he forces it to open wide. He doesn't feel like walking, but nevertheless Jasper won't give up and dragged his friend along with him.

"Morning meeting will begin shortly. You should be awake right now," Jasper marches with no sign of slowing down. Yellow is barely conscious, but he's still aware that he has to nod to the red's lecture.

He groans tiredly, "I thought you won't be patrolling today..! Why are you still insisting on waking up for morning meeting?"

Jasper went quiet for a while before coming up with an answer, "Defeats me."

"Uuurgh..!" Yellow throws his head to the back. He knew that the friend of his would never compromise with any of his complaints or whines when he doesn't feel like being productive. Thus, making the absence of the red feels like heaven.


"Red, the only patrol partner left for you is Emerald. But currently he's resting. Are you fine with taking a day off today..?" Garnet, the gem's spokesperson worriedly requested.

Though the red wishes to object, he knew it won't make much differences as he wasn't as good as Opal in terms of fighting. Patrolling alone would be the dumbest decision he would ever make
owing to his protests. So he obediently nods with no words.

When everyone dismissed from the area, Jasper slips out a dissapointing sigh he had been holding in for too long. His shoulder felt heavy and so his chest. Besides than Yellow, he's got no one to hang out with. Probably helping out Rhodonite would do, but the doctor was too scary to even approach, so he scratched the idea.

Or, the library would do. He worked there yesterday and Sensei would probably let him work there again. Talc would greatly appreciate his help since he's a no good 1 hardness. A single careless scratch could damage his body greatly whenever he's working.



He had almost forgotten about what happened to Emerald yesterday.

Thus the red began rushing to the dorm for the older green gem.


Jasper went to the dorm, workplaces, and easy to say, he had been searching for the green ups and downs but still haven't seen his figure lingering around. Though he has a feeling that Emerald might sneaked out to patrol, but he brushes it off. There's no way for the green would do such idiotic thing.

He finally settles up to search for him at the first floor, probably even at the medical bay, the place he had been reluctant to pay a visit. He slaps his face hard, beats his chest and jogged up his body a little. This is the ritual he would do to calm his nerves down.

Whilst heading for the first floor, he sneaked a few glances to the field to check out for the gems' patrolling. Since Yellow and Padparadscha are patrolling at The High Fields today, his friend won't be too far from his sight.

He observed the two lingering around the green grass. Padparadscha is seen crouching on the ground, probably picking some dirts or rocks. Then, he throws it to Yellow that's only by his side. The yellow gem tries to block the incoming rocks being thrown to him but he seems to fail so.

When Yellow unsuccessfully defending herself from Padparadscha's antics, he begans chasing for him. Jasper couldn't help but to giggle a little, he's got alot of things to tease about Yellow when they're done with their patrol.

Jasper had finally arrived at the first floor. He makes sure to adjust his voice to a friendly manner and practices a few 'Good morning's before heading to the medical bay.
Rhodonite saw him from afar and greeted him with a stoic face, "Good morning."

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