IX. Re-thinking

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The night had approached. By this time, Dia and the others would be up to play some games, or tell stories. As usual, Jasper would dismiss on joining them as instead, he would look jot down observations he made today and possible theories he could make out of them.

Jasper scurried down his pillow and took out a paper packet. It contains pieces of gems with the colour green that could possibly be Emerald's. There are more packets containing other gem's pieces he had found, not only Emerald's. But most of the pieces are not enough to form a full body set of a gem.

"How long till I would succeed?"

It's frustating. He had been waiting for over 3 centuries. Just only recently had he started to observe the Lunarians. But his progress still seems the same.

This is not the first time. He had been pondering since long time ago if he should stop. But if so, what would he live for everyday?

Jasper remembers how he pathetically yelling out about wanting to have a purpose when Emerald was about to be taken away. And Emerald gave him one. And even so, he still complains.

And during that same time when night had fallen, it was Yellow who accompanied by his side. He was supposed to be sad, depressed and helpless, but he was laughing and smiling.

Because Yellow was there.

"Maybe it was good that Jasper left me after all," is what Jasper recalls hearing when Yellow was talking to the unmoving Padpa.

That was never what he wanted Yellow to feel at the first place. Jasper doesn't want Yellow to carry the burden of a survivor's guilt anymore. He wanted to do something for Yellow. Besides than Emerald's pieces, he had also collected Yellow's former gems' pieces so they could be restored. It wasn't much, but it's better than nothing.

But even with enough reasons, Yellow would protest against his secret operation. Jasper knows, so that's why he's been keeping a distance from him.

But it all seems wrong. He wasn't supposed to feel estranged towards Yellow.

That's when he felt someone's presence inside his room. Jasper turns around. It's Phos.

"Yo, sorry for interrupting with whatever bussiness you're having," Phos says, his eyes scanning around the papers Jasper had laid on the floor.

"Hey," Jasper answered, "Anything new?"

"No. Just now I was talking to Alex about Lunarians. But-"

"I've recalled telling you that he won't be able to provide you with intels we wanted," Jaspee diverts his attention from Phos to the paper packet, "Right now we should focus on-"

"I wanna talk to the Moon people." Phos said it.

Jasper had to make a double take on his words.

Talk? Did he hear that right? Phos wants to talk with the Lunarians?

"Isn't that too-"

"I know," Phos insists, "Right now, I think my goals shouldn't only be bounded on finding a job for Cinnabar. I think it should be benefiting the others too."

He continues, "My body's become stronger now. I've finally become useful, unlike before. So I think, this is how I should benefit my abilities. So not only both of us would know the truth, but others too."

Jasper trickled a sweat. He might've felt bit ashamed for not thinking that far as to benefiting others. But on the other hand, talking to Lunarians seems...too far from reach.

Perhaps this is what Yellow feels towards his goal on retrieving the gem's pieces. Impossible and never-ending.

"I see..." Jasper sighed. He arranges back his papers and stacked them under the carpet so no one would see. "Your goals and intention are well enough. But is there any particular reason we should go that far?"

Phos stood silent.

"I mean...are we just gonna trust Sensei forever?"

Jasper senses that something had probably altered the way Phos is thinking. Well, it's obvious. He had become more stoic and quiet, unlike the way he was before.

But people seem to only appreciate the fact that he could be a good of use, instead of caring for what he had been through to reach up until this point of him.

"What exactly are your goals, senpai?" Phos asked him. Jasper snapped out of his thoughts.

"Well...a partner...no, someone I know was taken away from me by the Lunarians. And...he was telling me to go find him," Jasper explained. His chest tensed up.

"So, were you close?" Phos took a seat beside him.

"I think...so?" the older became hesitant, "He shaped me to be the way I am today."

Jasper's not sure whether his words meant it in good terms or the opposite. But he dismissed that thought.

"And after finding his pieces back, what are you planning to do?" Phos asked. The light outside had turned off, and only the lustrous of his head shines the room.

Jasper's answer for his question are just at the tip of his tongue, but when he was about to let it out, it seems to dissapear. He is left speechless.

It made him looked throughout the back of his mind. Really, really deep into his mind. From the day he first saw Emerald to the time where he was taken away.

He pauses. Mentally and physically. Why did he stopped speaking? How could he forget what he was about to say? He could only think of one thing.

"What was it?"

Luckily it didn't escaped through his mouth or else explaining it to Phos would be something he should think of for 2-3 days.

"Senpai?" the silence grew deafening and Phos is worried. Did he said something wrong?

The older snapped to reality, "M-my bad, I'm sorry for doing that. I was uh...quite tired after that last incident of, you know, that huge looking Lunarian and all."

Phos nodded in response. "Ah, I see. It's totally fine."

Phos had become so understanding towards Jasper, he doesn't know how to thank him enough. The once immature and lazy gem had now turned into a reliable and more considerate person.

"You're getting better at taking care of people," Jasper let out a small smile.

Phos flustered. The compliment was quite sudden, "W-well, I guess I've learned from Antarc a little."

"Then you two must've been really close during winter, huh? Thank you for taking care of us during hibernation."

"N-no..! You got it wrong...most of the work is done by Antarc, I'm no person you should thank."

"Don't be too humble," Jasper stood up and climbed up to his bed, "Tomorrow's plan on communicating to Lunarians will be on you. Go get enough sleep and don't tire yourself. Okay?"

Phos's face lit up in excitement. "So you're approving my plan?"

"It was your idea after all right?" Jasper smirked.

Phos bowed him a thanks and left his room with the brightest face. There is no way he's going to sleep without excitement crawling on his nerves every second.

While Jasper will ponder about Emerald the whole night.

End of Ch.9

a/n entry 005
# happy eid murbarak to all muslims!!

Red Jasper | Houseki No Kuni fanfic | Land of The LustrousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora