••● Chapter Four: Presence Unknown ●••

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Vrrr. Vrrr. Vrrr.

My eyes opened tiredly, the sound of my phone vibrating on the marble table had awoken me as rubbed my tired eyes I stretched out gripping my phone. I had hit the home screen unlocking it, as the bright light blinded me. Fiddling around with my phone, I lowered the brightness so my eyes didn't feel like I was looking into the sun while straining them.

I had five new messages which were a huge surprise. Due to how dry my inboxes were on every source of social media. I opened the first one which was from my dad, reading Hey sweetheart. I'm sorry but I won't be home at all tonight. Something happened at the institute so I have work to do. Please fix the fuse system in the basement. I hope school wasn't rough. Love you, and I'm sorry I couldn't be home.

I gave a yawn, not responding back. Browsing over my newer messages one had been from Shelley, Hello, Rebecca. I would love to hang out sometime. Maybe tomorrow if you are not busy. We have a long weekend.

I gave a small smile, she was the sweetest. Though once again I didn't respond it was already 2:55 am and she clearly would have been sleeping. Then the other two were from both Roman and Peter, it was basically saying the same thing.

Hey Rebecca, just checking to make sure you are okay. 

I tapped my thumb on my phone, thinking about responding back and as I moved to my last message I realized it was nothing but an unfamiliar phone number with the name Anonymous.

Curiously, I clicked the message to read;

We know where you are. There's no running.

I called the number, only to have a response "Sorry, this phone number is no longer in service. Please edit the phone number you have dialed and try your call again."

My phone slipped from my hands as I completely sat up on the couch, one hand clasped over my mouth in terror. I could feel sweat bead down my back and forehead as if I just awoke from a night terror. The candles that I had lit had all burned out, my body finally wide awake I could feel in the pit of my stomach that I was being watched.

My eyes darted everywhere around my house, kicking off my blanket I felt a sharp pain in legs and on my stomach. Looking down I realized they had been scratched, but not regular scratches instead there were strange symbols carved into the flesh. I traced my finger over the dried blood wincing in pain. The painful sensation travelled to my back. Lifting my shirt higher, I was looking at my back in the reflection of the TV. I had the same markings there too. My heart was now racing, ready to jump right out of my chest. I couldn't find words to describe what had happened. Instantly I called Peter.

"Come on, pick up the phone," I whispered in a panic biting my lip as I was brushing my hair back with my free hand pacing around.

There was nothing.

Trying again I tried for both Roman and Peter again but still, they didn't pick up their phone. Waiting on the phone, I began chewing on my thumb I was getting incredibly anxious.

 Ring. Ring. Ring.

Still nothing, from either of them.

I could feel myself getting weak in my knees wanting to shut down. Hearing something getting dragged off the counter I turned my view into the kitchen instantly but nothing was there. My mind was playing tricks on me.

Having my back turned to the couch, I continued to pace around the coffee table coming to a halt a reflection of a doll had been shown on the TV screen. Turning my head I came to face the doll resting on the couch propped against the cushions. My phone slipped from my hand crashing onto the floor my eyes were so focused on this small doll. She had been the same doll that was resting against the microwave back in the kitchen when I first got home. Her eyes were watching me like a cat stalking its prey. Nervously, I could feel my heart rate increase, my head turned back to the kitchen where I remember seeing the doll, looking back to the couch the doll was gone.

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