2. back story before szn 4

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i made it to a trailer in the middle of no where

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i made it to a trailer in the middle of no where. i knock on the door and a very tall man comes out
"what the hell?"
"i need help."
i stop and catch my breathe
"bad people are after me"
"come in kid"
the man had weird clothes on, and a star on his shirt
"i'm jim. jim hopper"
"i'm 007"
i show him my wrist
"where are you from"
"bad place"
he doesn't say anything
"are you hungry"
i shake my head and he starts to make me food
"look you can stay here as long as you need but your going to have to tell me what's going on"

so i told him everything, showed him my powers, he helped me out a lot. got my new life started. papa thought i was dead so i used that to my advantage. even if he figured out i was alive he wouldn't come for me. i'm as strong as 001 and he knows it. i made many new friends. eddie, jeff, gareth, and jonathan were my weird friends as steve called them. steve is older than me but we're still close. but not as close as henry and i. i have been trying to plan a way to get him back but i have no idea where to start. i know as soon as i see eleven again she is getting a piece of my mind, that's what hop calls it. and i even got a boyfriend, his name was billy. but he passed away saving my life.  i miss him everyday.

time flew by outside of the lab. until the lab started to leak into my normal world. i had to hold back when i seen eleven, i know henry is a bad person and my new friends and family will judge me for helping him so i stay quiet. me and eleven are even friends now. saving the world a few times together kinda brings you close. el disappeared for a while but of course i knew where she was, she was living with my dad after all. its kinda funny he keeps ending up with the hawkins lab run a ways. this was also around the time i met billy. dad didn't really like him. i mean he could be jerk but he had a soft spot for me. i wish i could've kept him away from my crazy world, i tried to save him but i was too late.

everything was great until dad and billy passed away. joyce took el with her to california but i begged to stay here. i am 18 so it is legal. steve's family offered to take me in and joyce agreed. so everything is going good again. my senior year is very boring compared to every other, i guess that's good too. that should sum up all these years, and that brings me to my next dangerous subject. riding in steve harringtons car plus him talking about his love life.

a/n: i hate this chapter sm. i have no idea where i'm going with this but really want to write a stranger things 4 book

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