5. creel

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a/n: this is a really long chapter guys!!

the drive home from eddie's was awkward especially after steve dropped everyone off"i feel like there's something more going on with you""i'm fine steve""you always say that but i'm starting to believe it less and less everyday

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the drive home from eddie's was awkward especially after steve dropped everyone off
"i feel like there's something more going on with you"
"i'm fine steve"
"you always say that but i'm starting to believe it less and less everyday."
i scoff
"there's just a lot going on right now"
"exactly! you know more then your telling us. then your telling me"
"because this stuff is above you guys. there is more going on but i can't tell you."
"you can tell me anything."
"i wish i could but i can't"
"and why can't you tell me?"
"i've already told you there's some things in my past i can't talk about and this is one of those things"
"what does this have to do with your past"
"it has everything to do with it and that's why i can't say anything to you or to the group"
"we're supposed to tell each other everything. we're best friends"
"i know steve and i'm sorry. i just need time to process"
we finally pull into the house and walk to our rooms
"goodnight sav"
"goodnight stevie"
i lay down after my long day, there's a lot going on right now but i just hope my card got to will for his birthday. he's deserves the world. especially with everything he's went through.

"rise and shine!"
i groan
"go away, we don't have work"
"we have to go get stuff for eddie"
"fine, get out i need to get ready"
i put on some baggy jeans and a baggy shirt basically my whole style was baggy. i walk downstairs and out to the car. steve honks at me
"i'm coming!"
"took you long enough"
"yeah, yeah, whatever."
we go get the others which doesn't take long since it's a small town
"alright we have to make this fast so we can get everything to eddie"
dustin says obviously worried about his friend
"we can't be saying eddie's name in public though guys. does anyone even know if they've announced a suspect name?"
everyone shakes their heads no
"we know eddie didn't do it but she was found at his trailer so he's the logical killer to cops."
"right so stay quiet don't bring any attention to our selves"
steve says shaking his head, and that's what we did a quiet fast shopping trip and took everything to eddie. when we go to the shed eddie freaks not knowing who it was
"delivery service."
"we brought your favorites"
he let out a sigh and started eating what we brought
"so we got, uh, some good news and some bad news. how do you prefer it?"
"bad news first, always."
i say at the same time causing eddie to look at me and we both smile. not a smiling time savanna.
"all right, bad news. we tapped into the hawkins pd dispatch with our cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you. also, they're, uh, pretty convinced you killed chrissy."
"like, 100% kind of convinced."
"but we're gonna help you eddie."
"and the good news?"
"your name hasn't gone public yet. but it's a matter of time before others do and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you"
"why do we talk about moms so much?"
"i don't know but it's gonna be hunt the freak, right?"
"so before that happens we find vecna, savanna kills him, and prove your innocence."
"that's all, dustin? that's all?"
"yeah, no, that's pretty much it."
"that requires us telling the police about the upside down"
"the what"
"the other world we told you about. we call it the upside down. you'll know when you go to it"
"i think i'll pass on going"
"everyone goes."
"listen, eddie, i know everything dustin and savanna are saying sound totally delusional, but we've actually been through this kind of thing before. i mean, they have a... a few times, and... and i have once. mine was more human-flesh-based, theirs was more smoke-related, but button line is, collectively, i really feel like we got this."
robin goes on one of her rants and steve continues it
"yeah see we usually have two girls with super powers. but uh one of those went bye-bye and our other girl is uh going through stuff"
"i'm fine steve"
"i know you just been through a lot"
"we've all been through a lot"
"you've had it worse though"
"and i handle it better."
"okay if you say your fine then your fine"
"i am fine"
dustin yells
"anyways we're in more of like the brainstorming phase."
max helps us out with taking the attention away from us
"there... there's nothing to worry about."
steve laughs and kinda scoffs
"you guys have me worried and i'm the one with super powers"
"no one worry"
dustin's says just as i hear police sirens
"tarp! tarp!"
robins yells and eddie lays back down, the rest of us run to the window to see the cops fly right by the house. the cops and a ambulance.
"we have to follow them."
"are you crazy"
max asks
"yes now let's go"

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