First glance

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I dropped my phone on my bed and rushed to get ready. All ready for school in record time I made my way to the kitchen and greated my mother with a huge smile. "Morning Benj you look happy" i nodded and kissed her goodbye explaining i had a project to finish. Hopping on my bike I peddled as fast as i could to school and got there in 10 min rather than the usual 15. 

Making my way to the office i bumped into a few people but made it eventually. "Hello Ms. Vincent lovely shirt youre wear..." I started saying. "What do you want Benji?" i smilled and asked for Linas schedule. "Thanks Ms. V I owe you" I knew Ms. V quite well since I use to spend quite a lot of time in the office when my father died. I went there to ask if I could go home or if i just needed some time to relax, I would sit on those big white armchairs and sit in silence or talk to her. Lina had English first period. I ran into Mr. Margots room where he was having his morning coffee while grading papers. "Hey Mr. Margots" he didn't look up form his paper and said, "Hello Benjamin" Mr. Margots didn't like shortened words he preferred to use the full words and would refuse to call me ben or benji. He never used didn't instead of did not or hey or hi instead of hello. "Could u do me a favor and tell me where Lina sits" still not looking up from the paper he was grading and just pointed to a chair located in the middle of the classroom.

Once class had started I walked past the English classroom and glanced at that exact desk. I stopped in my tracks. She was beautiful. She had very short hair but it suited her. She wasn't like other girls she was unique and pretty. Her style was different than other girls she didnt wear skinny jeans and crop tops she wore baggy-ish clothes and again it fit her. Everything about her was perfect. I was glad I could finally see her face. Yes, there was something fun and mysterious  about texting and not knowing how she looked like or how she was even called but I'm also glad I can finally see her. The only problem now was telling her my secret. Would she still like me? Was I even good enough for her?      

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