The most perfect day

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I woke up lying on Benji's chest. Last night was so incredible it was all I ever wanted. Looking up at him I saw he was already awake and looking at me. I smiled at him and kissed him softly on the lips. "Should we make some breakfast?" I nodded and we both got up. He gave me one of his hoodies and sweatpants to wear so I didn't have to wear my clothes from yesterday. They were so soft and smelled of him.

"What do you wanna make?" he asked I shrugged my shoulders. After a bit of brainstorming in cook books we decided to go with pancakes. We grabbed all the ingredients and started to get to work. We didn't get much work done and we were covered in flour. Laughing and throwing flour at each other was not exactly the smartest thing to do but we were having fun. Trying to grab more flour he grabbed me by my waist pulling me back preventing me from getting it. "Stop!" I laughed, but in reality I didn't want him to stop. 

After a while we finally managed to make the pancakes and clean the mess up. "Ready for the taste test?" he asked, I nodded my head and smiled. On three we both but a piece of pancake in our mouth with some maple sirup. "Eww thats disgusting!" we both spat out our piece of pancake into a napkin and started having a laughing fit. Trying to speak we couldn't because we were laughing too much, we were barely getting any air. After finally calming down we both look at eachother and chuckle again. "Gosh my stomach hurts I'm gonna get abs" I say still giggling. "That was disgusting what did we put in there?" he looks at me with a shameful smile and says, "I might have by accident tipped over the salt and it mixed into the batter and-" before he could finish his sentence we started bursting out laughing again. 

Once the exciting morning came to an end we decided to go out to the park and have a picnic there. We lay on the picnic matt while the sun was shining. I opened my eyes and looked over. His blonde hair styled in a middle part was blowing in the slight breeze breeze, his lips  so soft and pink his face was perfect, he was perfect. I kissed those marshmallow feeling lips and was so happy to be lying next to him. We ate fruits and berrys and even read a few mangas. He loved mangas so he introduced them to me. We eventually headed back to his house and then it was time for me to go. It was dark already so he insisted on walking me home. In the middle of our walk it started pouring with rain. In a matter of minutes we were drenched. "Lets go take shelter" he said running to a parking lot holding my hand. "It's fine we are already wet" I said. There we stood the two of us in an empty parking lot. I smiled at him and kissed him. We stood kissing in the rain and I couldn't have been happier. Suddenly he pulled out his phone and put some cheesy slow dance music on. He grabbed my hand and we started dancing. Like two idiots we danced in the pouring rain in the dark. I didn't think it was stupid at all though, in fact I loved it. 

Once he had dropped me off at my doorstep I was sad to see him go, after I had spent such an amazing day with him.       

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