A perfect starry night

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It was finally friday it had been 2 days since I texted Lina and told her I was bi. She seemed to be fine with it which lifted a weight off my shoulders. The end of the day was near. I was sitting in a hot science classroom staring at the clock. 10 min left. I watched as the second hand ticked its way around the clock face. 

Rinnngggg. Finally! I grabbed my stuff and ran out, I was in a hurry. Standing in the parking lot with my bike in hand I watched as kids started flooding out of the doors. Then she finally emerged. She walked straight for me as if she knew who I was. My hopes were up but she walked right past me and headed to the bike rack. Standing there shocked as if she should have stopped I pulled myself together. I turned around and followed her. I watched her unlock her bike when she stopped and looked up. "Can I help you?" she said starring at me. I'm such a weirdo what am I doing. "H...hi" she looked confused and squinted her eyebrows. "Hi do I know you?" it was now or never. "Yes...yes you do. I'm 50 year old jeff and I live in my mothers basement" I finally managed to say. She looked shocked. Dropping her bike she ran into my arms and squeezed me tight. After a long hug we released and stared at each other. Deep into eachothers eyes. Impulsively I grabbed her face and pressed her lips against mine. Her lips were soft and like a warm cushion. After a short kiss she smiled and our lips locked again. This time for longer...way longer. 

Together we made our way to a small café. We sat down and ordered a coffee. "So did you expect me to look like this" Lina asks. I smile and she looks confused. "I have to confess something. I already knew how you looked like before. We go to the same school." I explained to her my plan and how I had followed through with it. She shook her head and smirked at me, all I could do was smile at her. We laughed and laughed as we drank our coffees. By the time we left the cafe it was dark outside. Be both went back to my house because my parents were out of town, she told her parents she was spending the night at Bellas. 

We went to my bedroom dropped our stuff on the floor and both dropped onto my bed. We lay on my bad looking up at the sky light in my ceiling. It was a beautiful starry night with the moon full smiling down at us. Everything was perfect. She cuddled up next to me and lay her head on my chest. I couldn't be any happier. We lay there until we fell asleep in eachothers arms.               

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