the witches

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Dedicated this to the first person to like follow me

They sat there on the couch looking all concerned and apprehensive, like they were Good parents HA they just like to put up a performance. Mom has her hair in a neat little bun like a "proper woman" as she always said should and her dress pressed and ironed like always. Father had his suite on no color there of course, I sat in the chair next to the couch looking at Mr. Sanchez the school counselor.

I invited him here for a reason of course, I had a plan to set in motion. Yes that's right weird Mike Hemrose who talks like a professor and only has one tattoo has a life.

"Now your son has invited me here for a reason. Isn't that right Mike?" Sanchez asked. causing all the eyes to turn to me. I smiled a little and replied

"Yes. I have. I set up this meeting to say I will no longer be living with you mother or you father." with that they actually looked surprised

"What do you mean by that Terrence?" my mother asked I looked over to her and smiled again. time to explain how this was gonna go

"What I mean is you have two minutes to pack your things and leave" i heard a distinct laugh. ahh of course my father. "do you have something to add?"

He stood up to his full height of 6 feet. I stayed seated "You fucking bet I do, who do you think you are?!" Sanchez tried to calm him down but I decided the foreplay of this encounter was done. I knew from experience he spoke for both my mother and him. I guess I got to this the fun way.

"to late." with that I let my eyes rest on Sanchez. He began to cough and his iris darkened from the blood vessels rupturing. "I did invite Sanchez here for a reason, i decided I was going to show you how'd you'd die." my father tried to get up, bless his little cold heart, but he was finding it hard to do. he did however begin to find his footing

"SIT" i ordered my voice slipping into the mixed voice thing it does when I order someone. he did as I said. Sanchez fell to floor coughing up blood, I continued talking "now I was thinking of something different for you two but, basically the same thing." my mother tried to speak. I put my finger to my lips. by now Sanchez was dead, his blood pooling around him from his mouth

I looked back at my parents "this might hurt." then the glowing began from right under their skin. and the screaming began

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