chapter 3

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Marco's pov:

He has gym class with me!!! I will never get over the fact that I get to see his delicious body shirtless. I wonder if he's as Large  downstairs as Tyler imagined him. I hate him for doing that, it took me literally a whole class to get that out of my head.

  "Hey do you have a shirt I can barrow? Mine got ripped up at home." Mike asked me just standing there and DEAR GOD his shirt is in shreds. I search my locker and can only find my extra tight "impress the guy" shirt I wear when for when I want to show off my muscles

"No sorry, id give you this shirt but your chest would probably rip it open the second you moved." I tried joking but then I pictured it and shivered a little. I think he noticed but I'm not sure. "hey I really like your tattoo by the way" I said trying to get his attention back. Mike looked at his arm thinking I was talking about the question mark. "no I mean the one on your chest. I like it" I said with more confidence then I felt.

    "Thanks. I saw it on a TV show once and just wanted a tattoo of it." Mike shrugged "Anyway ill guess ill just play soccer without a shirt."


          After gym:

"So your saying he just played shirtless?" my friend Adam asked. repositioning himself on the lab stool to see my face past the burner.

   "Yeah, just completely shameless" I told him while adding the salt to the mixture. "I'm pretty sure Mrs. M almost fainted. most of the cheerleaders jaws dropped" I laughed. I kept adding stuff and so did Adam. I had no idea what we we're even making, but I'm confident Adam does.

"Hey do you know what we're making?" he asked me. I just stare at him.

    "looks like Addy doesn't know whats going on either :p" Sabrina's obnoxious voice went off in my head "shut up bitch." I thought back. She sent me a glare from across the room and went to work with a guy named Andy I think. "Having a silent argument with Sabrina again?" Adam asked

"Yeah, anyway I thought you knew what we're making." he laughs and shakes his head.

    "Na man. anyway cant you just I don't know turn it into what we need?" he asks and I'm about to tell him probably but then our mixture explodes into a giant green blob. "Never mind" he says while he wipes off his glasses and combs back his long hair. "I should get this cut. I'm starting to look like a hippie" We both laugh until the teacher sent us out.

AN: and now I go back to any point of view I want. yay!!!! (I'm enthusiastic)

     "Tyler you have to tell me what you and Mike talk about the time!!!!" Marco pesters me while his friend and Sabrina talk. he turns and notices the two for the first time. "Addy stop talking to the clay!" he yells into the kitchen. Adam gives Sabrina a sad glance and walks to the love seat next to me. Marco turns back to me and gives me puppy eyes.

"FINE!!!" I say and stand up. "If your SOOOOO desperate to know what started us talking. let me go get it." I say and start walking to my room. I finally get there and go to my closet. I walk through the fake wall at the back I put up and unlock the lock by hitting the symbols, then pulling out the draws I take out the box set of Smallville DVDs.

    "Are you going to come out of your room soon!!!" i screamed and before knew it Tyler came down with a huge box thing. he set the giant box thing down on my lap like he was handing me a baby. "What's this?" I asked.

"This" Tyler said pointing at the box "is what me and Mike first talked about. The like best show ever." I read the box and it was Tyler's box set of Smallville DVDs. i gave my best WTF look and he continued "He loves this show. especially season 9. ill let you borrow the set, but" he said turning serious and i couldn't help but notice his eyes glowing a light red. "If you even break one of the disks" his voice got deeper, while his nails grew and sharpened. "I will set you on fire and rip ever single hair off your body" he threatened. i could feel Adam practically trying to bury himself into the couch. "Got it?" Tyler asked.

     "Yes." i said a little freaked that Tyler would use his powers to do anything besides fix me and Sabrina's messes. the moment i answered everything was back to normal and Tyler was smiling happily.

"OK. now you and Adam go do something while i make dinner, Sabrina's going out with a friend tonight so its just us tonight." he said he looked at Adam and asked if was staying, he said yeah and me and Adam went up to my room.

    "Dude i thought he was gonna kill you!!" Adam said, while jumping onto my bed. i was setting up my TV to play the DVDs.

"I know!!! I'm pretty sure he would've if he had to" I said sitting down up by my headboard "Anyway since last time i tried to put info straight into my head ended up with me thinking i was Harriet Tubman were gonna have to watch all ten seasons." i sighed and got comfortable. "its gonna be a long weekend.

AN: Hi. i am the author of this strange story. as you may have guessed its kinda a filler. but if anyone is actually reading this there is a hint of why Marco hates Sabrina. and I'm thinking next chapter Mike will be working more on his "plans" again on the side is a tattoo Mike has.

and if you didn't catch it, I'm a huge Smallville fan

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