Chapter One: How It Always Begins

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Mikasa couldn't help staring at Eren as he peacefully slept.

The clock was close to striking noon, but none of that mattered right now. It's not like they had any classes today, not for a while actually. The semester was over and today began their first day of winter break. This also meant that starting next semester, they would be soon graduates. As exciting as it was, it was also pretty scary. It meant that they were finally adults. I mean, they both were above the age of 21, but this meant that they would be out in the real world, all by themselves.

Although, if Eren was there, was she even really alone?

Eren has always been there for her, every single step of the way. They've known each other since diapers, thanks to their parents. Growing up the two lived right next door to each other. They went to elementary, middle, and high school together, although it wasn't until their final year of high school that the two decided to take their relationship to the next level and start dating.

That time was also pretty scary, especially with all the changes going on in their lives. Luckily the two both ended up going to the same college under different programs. In all honestly, when hearing that she and Eren would be attending the same college, that's what led them to finally date.

Now, here she was, lucky enough to watch his mmm sleep inside of her bed. She watches as he shifts ever so slightly, his long, messy brown hair in the way. She swept it away every so often yet it still found its way back. His figure rose now and then, showing signs of life and breathing. She ran her fingers through his hair this time, massaging his scalp. Truly did she love this boy. She always had and deep down she knew she always would no matter what happened between them.

Together, she and Eren had been through so much. She didn't see it getting worse and honestly as of lately, things had been going better than before.

Mikasa snuggles under him, his skin warm against her own. It was starting to sound like the rest of her roommates were getting up so she would enjoy these final moments with him. As she does, warm hands envelope around her, pulling her even closer to him. She can feel Eren take a quick whiff of her hair before lightly kissing her neck.

"Good morning," he speaks, the words leaving his voice groggily which she quickly blamed on his morning voice. Not that she didn't like it she loved it.

"Good morning," she speaks back, turning around to face him. "Did you sleep well? Are you hungover?" She questions, recalling the small party they had with everyone last night. As usual, she was the only one who didn't drink nor get drunk last night. They had a good reason to party last night though, especially since they were now on winter break.

"No, I'm good. I think sleeping in with you helps out a bunch," he claims, smiling a bit.

"You would know, you're the doctor," Mikasa says, smiling right back. He laughs a bit. "Not yet," he says. Mikasa wasn't wrong though. Once he graduated he'd be going to medical school and be on his way to becoming a doctor.

"Anyways, back to bed!" Eren speaks, stuffing her back under the covers. Mikasa playfully rolls her eyes. "I really would love that, Eren, but everyone's heading out today to head back home for the holidays. That'll be our last chance to see everyone before they're gone."

Eren scoffs. "Who cares? They'll all be back for New Year's Eve."

"You say that yet under all that not caring attitude is a twenty-two-year-old man whose going to see Armin and the rest of his friends off at the airport tomorrow," Mikasa smirks. Eren blushes just a bit. Mikasa knew him well. Too well.

"I just want to cuddle with you, Mika. You also leave tomorrow," Eren states.

Mikasa was spending Christmas with Levi, her cousin who was much more like a brother to her, and his wife Hange. They lived back in their hometown, Florida. Eren was supposed to be going with her but had to cancel so that he could finish some extra classes.

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