Chapter Three: Revelations

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It's the night before their flight home that Mikasa tells Armin and Annie the news. Originally she wanted Eren to be one of the first few to know but now she was taking Carla's words into account. That, and she needed to see other people's opinions and views before his own.

"Do you want to keep it?" Annie's the first to ask.

She nods. "I think so. I just don't know what Eren wants to do-"

"Well then screw Eren. If you want this baby and he doesn't it doesn't matter."

"That's not good advice Annie-"

"Then what is good advice in this situation? For her to try and convince Eren? It's either he's in this or he's not and you know that's true," Annie says before turning back to Mikasa. "Look Mikasa, despite whatever happens between you and Eren I'll be here for you. And I'm sure Armin will be too," she says. Armin nods. "Of course, Mikasa."

And it was left at that.

She was happy about how validating the two had been about it, supporting her in a journey that had no defining endpoint. The flight consisted of more sleeping on Mikasa's end, and once it was over she was almost too tired to get off the plane. After she had told Armin and Annie she stayed up late pondering on ways to tell Eren. She didn't know whether to be excited or maybe neutral. Eren's reactions were only based on how she assumed he would act, assumptions. Who knows how he would truly respond. That had to be the scariest part of this whole situation. Maybe if she and Eren had talked about this beforehand she'd be fine, but they never discussed children. In all validity they never even discussed pregnancy. What was there to ever discuss before this?

Either way, she knew she needed to tell him soon, and hopefully before New Year's. She also needed to go to the doctors to see how far along she was and make sure that everything was fine. Mikasa also knew that Levi needed to know. Because of her visit, he was already worried, and not knowing could make things worse. She probably should've told him when she was there but she couldn't bring herself to, mainly because she didn't exactly know how he felt about Eren. He didn't hate him yet she knew he'd be out to kill him if he wasn't there for her through this.

What Annie told her made perfect sense but was easier said than done. With every fiber in her being did she love Eren. She always had and planned to always love him but if he didn't support her pregnancy she wasn't sure what their relationship would be. As badly as she didn't want them to end up back as friends, or even strangers, they were all possibilities. Carla told her to take it one day at a time but she couldn't help thinking of her future, especially when it was things like these that determined everything in it.

"Welcome home you guys!" Eren says, making his presence known to the group. How sweet of him to offer to pick them up from the airport even after Mikasa insisted that he didn't. She knew it was wrong, especially since they hadn't talked since Christmas and it was New Year's Eve, but she couldn't help. She didn't want things to be awkward between them.

Her eyes drift to Eren's green orbs and as quickly as they do she looks down. When she looks back up, he's frowning at her.

Okay, well, maybe she was taking this too far.

It wasn't in spite. She just didn't know what to say or how to act around him without letting him know that she was pregnant with his child. She also didn't think that the airport was the best place to let him know that.

Eren's hands dive right past her, grabbing her luggage. "Are you okay?" he questions her, his voice hushed so that Armin and Annie couldn't hear.

"I'm fine," Mikasa says, watching as Eren places her stuff into the trunk of her car. When he turns back around to face her it isn't the happy look he's giving her, and instead his annoyed face. The worst part is that she was the reason he was annoyed. Instead of dwelling on it, Eren gets into the front seat while Armin sits up front in the passenger seat. Mikasa's very thankful for that and makes her way to the back seats, taking a seat beside Eren.

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