Chapter Seven: A Friendly Spring Break...?

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Spring break had finally rolled around. Mikasa and Eren had agreed to head back home over spring break, yet all of their friends somehow decided to make this a group trip.

To say the very least, traveling with all of their friends was difficult. For one, despite knowing of this trip months ahead of time, somehow, people are still late. Then, somehow, somebodies missing something. Sometimes it's just a phone charger, other times, it's their entire luggage. And then, they might be even missing a person! This is why headcounts for their trips became a thing. Armin was the one usually in charge of these things, mostly because he was always the earliest and always kept a leveled head.

So far, the trip was going pretty well. Everyone had arrived at the airport on time. Armin saw this as the earliest they all had ever arrived. After getting checked in, everyone was waiting in the lobby for their flight to be ready.

"All right...we have about an hour and a half before our flight. If you all promise to be here ten minutes before takeoff, I'll let you all go," Armin states. "Do you all promise?" A chorus of promise take place between everyone and he nods his head. "Alright. Come back on time," Armin warns. "Wanna get coffee?" Annie offers Armin, already knowing that he'd need it. He had too much faith in their friends to think they'd come back on time. "Yeah," Armin says, running a hand through his hair. He turns to Eren and Mikasa, who were seated a few seats before them. "Wanna come with?" he asks them.

Mikasa turns to Eren, her eyes pleading for him to let her go and get coffee. "Sure," Eren responds, the two standing up. "Only 200 milligrams," Eren reminds her, to which she rolls her eyes. They head to the nearest Starbucks, grabbing coffee and also a bite to eat. Instead of going back to where they were waiting, they take a seat in the store. They had an hour and a half to kill anyways. "How's being pregnant, Mikasa?" Armin asks her, somewhat curious about how she's been holding up.

"Hm," she hums, thinking about it. A hand involuntarily goes to her pregnant stomach. It was very noticeable now and hardly able to be hidden. She was still rather unsure how she'd tell Levi, but she'd cross that bridge when they got there. "It's been rather...interesting," she decides on saying. Honestly, in the last 26 weeks, she's been going through so much. The first trimester was hard, but the second trimester was getting more and more tiring by the day. Lucky enough for them, only a few more months of being in school remained. If they weren't so close to graduating, she would've had to take a gap year or something.

"That's lingo for a rollercoaster of emotions," Eren says, drinking his coffee. Mikasa lightly hits him. "I haven't been that bad," she responds.

"Says the one who literally cried after receiving a B+ on her paper," Annie states. Okay, well, she had her there. "That was an emotional day!" Mikasa remarks. "I will admit that I have been a tad bit more emotional lately, but everything else is fine, including the baby."

"We had a 3d scan a few days ago and we've concluded that baby Yeager looks entirely like Mikasa," Eren says, a wistful sigh on his lips as he shows the two the pictures. "Thankfully," Annie says, a small smile playing on both her and Armin's faces as they look at the pictures. One thing the two of them were proud to see was how parenthood looked for Eren and Mikasa. Lately, the two seemed to beam and gush about their awaiting arrival and nobody minded it. Everyone seemed to love when they talked about their baby.

With all the gifts their baby had received without even knowing the gender yet, they could tell how much love their baby was already receiving. Was this even considered their baby anymore? It was more like everyone's baby.

"Maybe it'll have your hair or eye color," Mikasa reassures him, although, she was slightly happy that their baby was already taking after her more. "You should hurry and decide who the god-parents are before everyone starts a fuss over it," Armin says, reminding them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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