Don't Touch That Dial [1]

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It's deep in the night when Y/n laid in her bed propped up on her arm to watch her husband sleep. His curls almost covered his face and his mouth slightly open to emit a soft snore every once in a while. She needed no light to notice how peaceful and gorgeous he looked.  He hardly slept through the night with his sleeping disorder and everything. 

A loud thump wipes her from her pending daydream, as she lets out a gasp she telepathically turns on their lamp. Seeing nothing, she turned the lamp back off. Another thump against the window prompts her to repeat her actions. 

Her husband was now awake and removed his sleep mask. "Y/n?" If she wasn't scared from the noises she would have taken more notice to how his voice was thick with sleep and grogginess, something she adored. 

"Yes, dear?" 

"Are you using your powers to turn on the light?" 

"Yes, dear," she shamefully admits. 

"Allow me, sweetheart." 

Jake, she put in notice that he was fronting as he normally did at night, stands up and walks over to the window to see just what was causing such noise this early. With the curtains pulled back, he takes a gander. 

"What do you see?" Y/n asks with urgency. She held both her hands to her chest and tried to lean forward to see if she too could see anything. 

"Only your pretty rose bushes."

"That's all? Do I need to use a night vision spell?" 

"I assure you, mi amor, I see nothing out there. You have absolutely no reason to be frightened-" With that, another loud thud comes from behind him causing his to briskly walk to hide under his covers. Y/n shoots an unamused look. 

"You were saying?" 

They settle themselves in once more for the night before Steven fronted for the first time in the night. "Actually, love, I overheard a couple of lads at work remarking on a few unsavory characters settling into the neighborhood. Now, who knows what those ne'er-do-wells might be up to? Robbing houses, vandalizing property." He lists off his concerns and begins to work himself up with anxiety. 

"Moving objects without touching them, talks to themselves in their reflection." Y/n adds a playful tease in hopes to relax his nerves even just a smidge. 

"Darling, you can't be suggesting my colleagues were referring to us." Ever the optimist. 

Another thud interrupts their conversation causing Y/n to slightly jump and move both their beds into one king sized. 

"One of us should really determine the source of that sound."

"Yes. One of us should." Y/n looks to Steven with a pointed look as if to say, as the man of the house, he should. 

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