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Mendelton Village, 1651.
The day of the sacrifice.

That morning, the first thing the villagers did was going to church. Yes, it was Sunday, and they used to go there every Sunday... but that was a special day.

Finally, the Lord would give them the serenity that everyone was yearning for centuries. Fires, floods... the small Mendelton Village had been through all sorts of things.

It's impossible to forget about the earthquake happened in 1618, in which the church collapsed and there was total despair.

It was for sure Primul Zeu, angry because he didn't receive any soul. Yes, there couldn't be any other explanation to it.

Safirah opened the eyes at half past seven. She stretched, yawned loudly and rubbed her eyelids, looking around. There was no trace of her parents and they hadn't even woken her up, which was very rare since they never allowed her to miss the Sunday mass.

She got up and went to the kitchen where there wasn't even breakfast ready on the table. She frowned: it never happened before that her mother and father would let her stay with the stomach empty.

She reached a shelf where bread and two apples were on it. She grabbed the food and noticed a letter that she immediately read.

Our beloved daughter, we love you more than you could ever imagine, and for this we beg you to run away from the village. In a few hours there will be the sacrifice of the chosen one and that chosen one is you. We never told you since we did not want to cause an uproar among the inhabitants, but now the time has come. You must run away from here, go to the big cities. Hurry up before it's too late.

Safirah read the last words with the heart beating hard in her chest. She dropped the bread and the apples, causing a noise she didn't pay much attention to.

She reflected on the words of her parents, without moving a muscle and with the eyes that didn't show any emotion.

She couldn't believe what she had just read. Why her? For what absurd reason was she considered to be the chosen one? Why not Sarah or Mary?

She got out of the small stone house cautiously, carefully looking around. In the streets there was nobody. The long skirt she was wearing seemed to dance thanks to the gentle breeze of March.

Safirah couldn't help but look at the church not too far from her house, managing to see all the villagers reunited and sat on the benches, listening to the parson Thomas's mass.

She was able to clearly hear the prayer: «Primul Zeu, the first God. Primul Zeu, the only real God. Primul Zeu, our savior. Primul Zeu, give us the peace, oh Lord».

Safirah looked at the forest in the distance, then she looked again at the church where her mother and father were. She felt the eyes terribly burning: she had to abandon them, maybe forever. She couldn't remain in that place any longer, it was too risky.

She began to run, going through the trees, without looking back. A question, although, was constantly repeating in her head: why her?

She surely wasn't the only young and healthy girl of the village... but, unlike some of them, she hadn't had any sexual intercourse with any man yet.

Maybe it was for that motive that she was the chosen one, because she was considered pure and shameless... but they didn't know that, in reality, any kind of purity was absent from her inside her soul.

Safirah thought about the parson's son, Seth, with his muscles and those green emerald eyes, way too many times. She was in love with him since they were children but they never had been very good friends.

They were only two simple acquaintances who lived in the same village. But how often Safirah, saying that she had to collect the water of the river, went to the forest and, taking advantage of solitude, masturbated thinking about Seth's perfect body.

She often touched her breasts, closing the eyes and imagining that he was touching her. She wanted him so badly, but that boy never showed any interest towards her. Never.

Safirah stopped to breathe. She knelt on the grass, breathing heavily, alongside a small pond where tender tadpoles were swimming. For a moment she felt like it was so surreal to be in that place.

There was a deep silence, the only background noise being the water of the pond. She closed her eyes, inhaling the clean air of the forest while being kissed by the sun. A spontaneous smile appeared on her face.

Primul Zeu, the first God
Primul Zeu, the only real God
Primul Zeu, our savior
Primul Zeu, give us the peace, oh Lord

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Welcome to my first story, y'all! I've been working on this project for seven months and I'm so proud of it! I hope you'll like it as much as I liked writing it ♡

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