Chapter X - Men

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For Mindy, going to work that morning was hard. She felt like her body wasn't able to get out of bed. When she would get home she just wanted to sleep all afternoon.

The bookshop was quiet that day and there were not so many people. A mother was letting her seven years old son to chose a horror book.

Mindy thought that he wasn't ready to read horror. It was a complex genre and it would also bring nightmares to him. Some people must take a class on how to be parents.

«Excuse me, do you know where I can find The shining? It's a Stephen King book» The woman said to Mindy.

Of course it was a Stephen King book, everybody knew it: «Sure, it's on the first shelf of the horror section.»

«Thank you» She smiled and approached the shelf.

Mindy snorted and couldn't help but think about the previous day. Her father was not a kind and happy man anymore. He had changed... forever.

She grabbed her cellphone and checked the messages. Ronny wrote a new message: Do you want to see me tonight? I already miss you.

She quickly responded: Okay. Where are we going?

After ten seconds the three dots appeared, then the response: At my house. There is also a friend of mine and she really wants to meet you. I'll pick you up at 7.00.

She frowned. He talked about her with his friend? That meant a lot to Mindy. With that message, she understood how important she was to Ronny.

Mindy: All right and I can't wait to meet your friend. See you.

«Mindy» A voice came from afar and she noticed that it was her boss «Can you come into my office for a second?»

She looked around, noticing that the woman and her son were gone. They were alone in that small but comfortable bookshop.

«Why? Did I do something wrong?»

«I'll tell you everything in my office.»

He went into his office and Mindy, already sweating, followed him. She had no idea of what he wanted to tell her. Mindy knew she didn't do anything wrong... maybe.

When she closed the door behind her and sat on the chair, he sighed and stared at her for many seconds. She tried to avoid his gaze, but it was difficult.

«So...» he started talking «I've noticed that you work listlessly. You almost treat customers badly.»

She frowned. Mindy didn't remember she had ever treated the customers badly: «I'm sorry to interrupt you, Michael, but I don't recall that I've ever done anything of what you just said.»

«Please, let me finish» She shut her mouth «One day I saw you yelling at a customer. You were probably drunk since your breath smelled alcohol.»

«What?!» Mindy couldn't believe what he said «I have never yelled at a customer! You're making that up. I don't remember I've ever done that.»

«Of course you don't, you were drunk. But I know what I saw and our bookshop's reputation is collapsing day after day.»

Mindy was speechless. She was a hundred percent sure he was making that up. She had never got drunk. And when I say never, I really mean it.

«I should fire you now... or maybe you can pay the price in another way» He smirked «Look, you're the best girl I've ever met. You have always been kind and sweet with me. Maybe it will not be that bad.»

She frowned. What are you talking about? she wanted to ask... but Mindy remained silent. Her mouth didn't open. She was like a sculpture.

Michael got up from the chair and approached her: «You know, I've always liked obedient girls. They're my favorite type of women. Do you consider yourself as one of them?»

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