Before you begin reading I would like to give you a little warning.

This story will contain mature themes. I will try my very best to put a warning if I think it might be a bit triggering for some people but now that you have been warned I am human and I do make mistakes so read at your own risk. I would also prefer you to be over the age of 16 when reading this but who am i to stop you.

all characters (except for dani of course) are not mine and i obviously claim no ownership of them. if you do not like how i portray or write a character in this book feel free to leave some constructive criticism or comments but i will not tolerate blatant hate comments, it will be deleted and you will be blocked immediately.

I have worked very hard on this book so I would appreciate it if you treated it with respect.

I will try to update the story at least once a week but I am a living and breathing human who has an actual life so I might miss a week or two.

The story may not be completely accurate to the show or comics but I will try to for the most part keep it on track.

If you make any edits that you think i would enjoy please tag me in them or send them to me and if you have any suggestions for the story please feel free to message me.

Now please enjoy the story ;)

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