"-your policeman stops you from using your gifts?" I slowly made my way to the other end of the roof where Jane and Kali were both sitting across from each other. Jane was still in her overalls and flannel and her curly hair was blowing wildly in the wind. Despite being obviously upset with her policeman, she really did seem to love him.

The way she talked about him was with such care and gentle words despite not having the biggest vocabulary. Jane nodded and I saw Kali give a sad look "what you can do is incredible" her curly head turned to me and i sat on the ledge letting my feet dangle.

I was absolutely terrified of heights and yet I remained in my spot feeling the wind blow my hair all around my face so I could barely see the view of the buildings. "It makes you very special jane"

"Do you have a gift?" she still looked at me but i was looking at kali, both of us sharing a smile "we both do, but they're different" she still seemed confused looking at kali while pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "I can make people see, or not see whatever i choose '' Kali demonstrated by making me disappear and then reappear to jane. Jane then looked back at me "and you?"

"I have the ability to read and manipulate peoples thoughts" kali rolled her eyes "she's modest" i ran my fingertips over the goosebumps on my bare legs taking a deep breath before continuing "the other two are still temperamental" kali scoffed "She can move things with her mind, much like you, and she can absorb energy and use it against her enemies"

"-im still working on that last one" i muttered almost hoping it would get lost in the loud sounds of the city. And maybe it did, or maybe they chose to ignore it but I didn't mind.

"It's getting cold i'm gonna go in" they both nodded and i watched kali show her more of her gift by making a small glowing blue butterfly appear. That was her favorite to show people.

I opened the door to inside and let my bare feet hit against the cold metal stairs hearing their loud voices argue over whether dottie is cheating at cards with loud booming music playing from one of the stolen radios. "Wanna play a game with me dani" she smiled up at me, batting her eyelashes and blowing a bubble with her gum.

"No, I happen to enjoy having money" she pouted her lips but nodded, dealing the cards to her and axel, axel never seemed to give up when it came to gambling. It was one of his weaknesses. "Axel you're gonna go broke before you get a penny from dottie" he grunted in response and i leaned against the wall next to mick seeing her smile as she watched them.

She passed me her half smoked cigarette and i happily took it "you seem stressed" she put an arm around my shoulder and let me put my head on her shoulder while letting out a long puff of smoke "old memories" she nodded and the gentle feeling of her lips on my forehead seemed to calm me.

Mick and I had a small and very short fling when I first joined the group, it was only twice and since then we had stayed pretty good friends. In Fact i would consider her one of my best friends. "About the lab?" i shook my head taking another drag "before the lab" she nodded and took the cigarette back from me bringing it to her lips.

"Is it about that girl cause if shes causing issues-" i shook my head quickly and lifted my head off her shoulder just leaning it behind me on the wall "no its not her" she brought the cigarette to my lips and i took another drag watching her pull it away and immediately put it to her own lips.

"Then what is it?'' I shrugged slowly letting the smoke out "i thought getting justice on the bad men would help me, but it hasn't. If anything it makes those bad memories resurface" she nodded slowly "i think i need a break for a little" i felt her body go rigid "just a fresh start for me to take things at my own pace until i think im ready"

"You're not serious are you?" this time i froze "what?" she pulled away from the wall and dropped the cigarette on the ground stomping it out "you would just leave us" that wasn't what i meant at all "that's not what i'm saying mic-"

"Then what else did you mean by 'a fresh start from justice against the bad men in a quiet place for a while'" i took a deep breath and pushed off the wall so we were both standing straight up "forget it mick, it was just an idea. I never said i would go through with it"

I pushed past her and made my way up the stairs to my room only to find Jane standing next to my bed holding one of the pictures I had on my nightstand. "Nosy aren't we?" she jumped and immediately turned to face me, almost dropping the picture frame. "Who is he? '' I smiled remembering the photo without even having to look at it.

It was a picture of me and Rick sitting together on his porch swing. His arms were wrapped around me in a large hug while my hands held onto his arms, both of us smiling so hard it was hurting our cheeks. His mom had taken a picture of us. It was the day before I had been taken to the lab.

The last day my life was normal and I was truly happy.

"His name was Ricky" she put the picture back onto my night stand and continued looking around at the decorations that filled my room. It wasn't much, mainly just axels graffiti and some old posters and a couple pictures but i liked the messy yet personal look it had.

"You can sleep in here tonight if you'd like, trust me it's much comfier than the couch." she quickly turned to me "what about you?" i smiled and walked over to the folded blanket and handed it to her "ill bunk with dottie or something don't worry" she nodded and sat on the bed "just make sure you take your shoes off and i don't mind if you borrow some of my comfy clothes".

"Thank you danielle" she bent over untying her shoes obviously exhausted "you can call me dani" she looked up and seemed to smile but she couldn't quite muster up the energy for it "ok, goodnight dani"

"Night jane"

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