I stood with my back against the wall waiting for Kali to finish in the bathroom before I could get into my pajamas. Two people were chosen each night to stay up and make sure nobody was coming and to warn us if the cops were coming. Tonight was kali and funshine and tomorrow night was me and mick.

I'm just really hoping kali doesn't give us another job tomorrow so that i can just sleep all day and easily be awake for my night shift. Suddenly a flash of a young looking girl came into my mind, she was maybe a couple years younger than myself, and she had very short curly hair.

Another flash of her hand came into view, she was carrying two pictures and on her wrist was a small faint tattoo.

My heart felt like it stopped, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Suddenly Kali walked out of the bathroom and just stopped in front of me. I knew she was talking to me but I just couldn't hear anything. It was all muffled as the image of this young girl walking through the city replayed in my head.

She was on her way here, to find me and kali.

"Dani, is everything ok? Please talk to me" she shook my shoulders, a slight panicked look on her face as she looked at my shaking hands. "I- i saw a girl" she nodded and slowly guided me to my room letting me sit on the edge of the bed with her kneeled in front of me holding my shaking hands.

"Is she dangerous? Do we know her? What's wrong dan?" I shook my head, I mean we did know her but not in the way that she was thinking. "She's looking for us" she dropped her head letting a string of curse words leave her mouth "is she with the cops or something, is she a kid of one of the lab men we've killed?"

"She's like us" my voice was so quiet i almost thought she couldn't hear me until she turned my wrist over and pointed to the small dark tattoo. We both stayed silent and I nodded.

"Alright, when she gets here we figure out how she found us and what she wants, until she shows up, stay here and calm down, ok?" i nodded and she kissed my cheek before backing out the door and closing it behind her.

I slowly stood and pulled my shirt over my head and slipped off my pants before pulling on one of Funshines hoodies and falling backwards onto the bed, wrapping one of the fuzzy blankets around me and drifting off.


"Here let me help you with that" I looked over my shoulder at the slightly taller blond haired boy grabbing the heavy box I had been struggling to lift and I watched him carry it to my new front door with ease. "Thank you, but i can handle it myself" he smiled lifting his hands in defense "i'm sure you can"

"I'm guessing you're the new family that just moved in?" I nodded watching as he continued helping grab boxes out of the moving truck "you are a real detective aren't you" he smiled wide and set the box he was holding on top of the other one he put down. "Im Ricky" he stuck his hand out another wide smile on his face.

I don't know what it was about him but I instantly liked him, despite my slightly cold mood towards him. I shook his hand and i didnt even know it was possible but he smiled wider and laughed to himself "and your name is?"

"Danielle" he nodded "you have a very pretty name danielle, it suits you" he leaned against the post of the houses front porch and crossed his arms over his chest "smooth" he smiled and i rolled my eyes opening my front door "when your house is all set up you'll have to invite me over for lemonade or something"

"I don't like lemonade" I started moving the boxes inside the door frame of the house stacking them all on top of one another "ok then... ice cream! You got to like ice cream, Everyone likes ice cream."

"I do love strawberry," he nodded, "strawberry ice cream it is." a woman's voice called loudly for him and he turned his head over his shoulder waving to her and gesturing for another 5 minutes which she seemed to reluctantly agree to.

"There's one problem with your icecream plan" he turned back to me "and what would that be?" i pointed at the boxes i had just moved "it's gonna be a couple months until the house is all set up and acceptable for visitors" he nodded pursing his lips and pretended to be deep in thought "then you'll just have to come over my house for ice cream"

He really was not gonna give this up.

"You're not gonna stop until I say yes?" he nodded and i looked over his shoulder looking at his house with the woman who i assumed was his mom still stood watching us while bringing in groceries.

"Come over tomorrow"


I was shaken awake, Kalis' face only a couple inches in front of mine "she just got here" I nodded and stood up looking out the big glass window in my room that overlooked the entire warehouse. It was definentally her, and she already seemed to be on Axel's bad side. His knife was pointed directly at her but she didn't look scared.

Suddenly Kali took her first step down the stairs and Axel screamed, dropping the knife and smacking his arms and neck all over, spiders.

I smiled and quickly followed behind Kali "you really are a terrible dancer axel" i winked at him leaning against the railing while he yelled at her "stay out of my damn head kal" he shivered "Are we threatening little girls now?"

"she had these" dottie reached up smiling at me and handed me the two pictures i had seen earlier. I looked at the pictures, both newspaper clipping of our faces next to the year we went missing.

"where did you get these?" I walked fully down the stairs and held them out to her letting her put them back in her bag. "Mama"

"Your mother gave this to you?" she nodded slowly "in her dream circle" axel scoffed anxiously rubbing the back of his neck "i think she's a schizo or something" Mick rolled her eyes at him and looked at me "said she's looking for her sister or something"

"like i said schizo" she looked at the knife still on the ground and held out her hand making it fly to her while still looking at me and kali.

"I saw you in the rainbow room" she looked to kali and handed her the knife then turned her attention to me "and i saw you and a boy in the halls" that feeling like i couldnt breath came over me again as memories of that same boy flashed through my mind.

The memories of us staying up all night watching the stars on his roof while our parents were passed out.

How when i met him his hair was completely buzzed down to almost his scalp but those last couple months it had grown to be just above his ears, just long enough that i could braid it and clip it back.

"What's your name?" kali spoke knowing i couldn't, "jane" i tried to swallow the lump in my throat but it felt stuck the more flashes of him i saw, i shook my head trying to get back on track watching as kali grabbed my hand pulling up my hoodie sleeve to reveal the 006 tattooed on my wrist.

Then she grabbed Jane's wrist and lifted up her torn flannel sleeve to reveal an 011 tattooed on her wrist letting Jane do the same to her to reveal her 008 tattoo.

"I need air"

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