I closed my eyes barely hearing the scissors cut through my hair over the booming music coming from Dotties stolen Radio. I felt her cheek press against mine and i opened my eyes again looking in the mirror to see her slightly crazed smile. "Sexiest mother fucker around" she loudly popped her gum and i couldnt help but smile.

She was a little insane but that's what made her dottie. My hair was cut to my shoulders with layers all throughout it and some face framing pieces in the front. I didn't have as crazy a style as the others did but they didn't seem to care.

Mick slowly strolled in her arms filled with snacks, a wide and happy smile taking over her lips "can you believe they were giving this shit out for free" i watched her drop all the food onto the counter axel and funshine immediately coming in to get first picks.

"Hairs cute dani '' Mick winked and I rolled my eyes brushing off the fallen hair from my clothes and grabbing my own share of food before hopping on the counter and watching them all push each other like little kids. We were all family, and while I may be their newest member they still treated me like family.

Kali walked in shortly after and smiled, kissing my forehead before grabbing some food and clearing her throat. "We have a job tonight, i'll let you look over the route and give you the buildings layout for you to figure out your park job, and while you do that i'll debrief the rest of you on who this man is." We all paused briefly but nod momentarily glancing at each other.

'Is there a problem" we all shook our heads but dottie spoke up, she sometimes had a small issue on picking up social cues "it's just last time you got a little... ya know" she waved her hand in the air towards axel and he pretended to violently contort his body before dying.

"I promise to control my emotions this time" kali took a deep breath showing she was calm and we nodded "and if i dont you all can split my share of the money we take and i wont get anything" this seemed to make the rest of them happier but i couldnt care less if she tortured this man for hours i knew exaclty who he was and he was an absolute pig.

I hopped off the counter and walked over to the table dottie likes to play poker on grabbing the to folded maps i had set there earlier and handing them to mick "study them, we are probably gonna need to change it once we get there so study every road" she nodded and i turned back to the rest of them watching as they all lazily sat on the couch making room for me while waiting for kali to begin.

"This is Norm Bradley" I quickly sat draping my legs over dottie and resting my feet on Mick's lap leaning my head on funshine. Kali rolled the portable bulletin board and pointed to the old man's black and white picture she had cut out from the newspaper. "He was a security guard working for the lab" they all nodded studying his face and repeating his name "he liked to make little visits to the girls rooms after they've had a long day of practice and their minds were too weak to fight him off"

They all looked away visibly cringing in disgust. "Since he was only a security guard he was pretty easy to find, but that also means he wont have many valuable secrets. So we go in, kill him, take the valuables, and leave"

"Easy," I smiled. "easy." she repeated. it was starting to get dark which meant we needed to start getting ready soon. Funshine grabbed everyone's mask, Mick grabbed the car keys and the new license plate, Axel grabbed the duffel bags, dottie grabbed food and a gun just in case.

I quickly ran up to my room at the top and grabbed my headphones and walkman before running back to the car watching as axel and funshine finished putting on the license plates.

we all got into our usual seats, mick driving, me in passenger, axel, kali and dottie in the middle row and funshine in the very back.

I quickly plugged in my headphones and pressed play listening to the loud music and letting it completely take over.

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