Chapter 5

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"Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?" Rarity smiled as the other students walked by, wearing their Wondercolt ears and tails.

"It was a great idea, Rarity!" Twilight complimented.

"Thank you, darling," Rarity blushed.

"Hmm," Applejack narrowed her eyes at something behind them, and they turned to see Stormy CloudSwirl walking down the hall with a massive smirk on her face. "Don't know what she's smilin' about. Twilight's the one that's gonna be Princess of the Fall Formal."

They watched as Stormy walked up to VP Luna's office and knocked. They manage to catch what Stormy was saying. "Vice Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened!"

The girls quietly followed behind to two, ending up at the auditorium. They had to stop each other from making a sound when they saw the mess that was once a well put together party. They continued to listen to the conversation between Luna and Stormy.

"Isn't this just awful?" Stormy said, giving Luna her best innocent look. "And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect! Why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?"

"Why would you think Twilight was responsible for something like this?" Luna raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"Because I have proof," Stormy said, giving Luna a folder.

"I see," Luna said, taking the folder and looking at the obviously cut and pasted photos inside, but decided to play along. "Thank you. I will have to double check the cameras, to confirm this proof of yours."

"Cameras?" Stormy asked, suddenly feeling very nervous. "What cameras?"

"Those cameras," Luna answered, pointing at some black round half ball like things in two corners of the auditorium.

"Oh, that wouldn't be necessary. My proof should be enough," Stormy tried to convince her.

Before the girls could listen any further, they looked up to see Flash walking towards them. As he passed to walk into the auditorium, he winked at them and mouth 'Don't worry'.

"Vice Principal Luna," He got the two women's attention. He handed Luna some cut up photos as Stormy glared at him. "I found these in a trash can in the library. Thought you should see them. Someone obviously combined these photos to make it look like Twilight was the one who trashed the gym."

"I appreciate you bringing these to my attention, Flash," Luna smiled at him. "Though I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night. If you will excuse me, I need to let my sister know about this latest development." She purposely ignored the girls behind the doors as she headed to Celestia's office.

Stormy saw them as she walked out. Her eyes widen, realising they had heard everything. She then glared at them and growled. "This isn't over. I will win that crown." She stomped off, thinking up a new plan.

"Thanks for that, Flash," Twilight smiled at him, blushing.

"No problem," Flash too blushed, ignoring the giggling from the other girls. "So, uh, I was wondering. If you aren't already going with somebody, wanna go to the Fall Formal with me tomorrow night?"

"That would be..." Twilight then realised what he said and started freaking out, Spike watching in concern. "Tomorrow night!? No! No-no-no-no-no! I can't! The portal! That'll be too late!" She ran past everyone, leaving them confused and concerned.

"One 'no' would have been fine!" Flash shouted after her. Sunset and Fluttershy patted him on the back.

"Don't worry, Flashy," Pinkie said. "I'm sure she meant to say, 'yes' but obviously something is on her mind, making her a little crazy right now." Flash looked doubtful as he watched them follow Twilight.

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