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Hobi:do you really think its a good idea to go to the carnival?

Namjoon:yeah why?

Hobi:dumpling is obsessed with toys and their are many.

Namjoon:no she won't.

You rush downstairs in your pajamas and a jacket and grab a drink from the fridge and head to the living room and watch TV. Jin was sleeping on the couch so you sat in the floor and watch Stitch.

Hobi:its also her time of the month so best of luck.

Nam Joon walked over to you and took the remote and change the movie to a horror movie causing you a jump scare and wake Jin up. He kicked Namjoon in the butt and calm you as you faced your back to the tv and took Jin's blanket. Nam Joon help you up and walk you to the kitchen. You hrab this and that and look in the fridge while Namjoon struggle to get your attention.

Namjoon:what happen?

You held your stomach and bought out a sad face octopus from your jacket and place it on the counter. Namjoon understand the situation he carried you off of the floor and one the counter as he prepared chocolate shake and something to eat. Jungkook came down and grab an apple and spot the octopus and look at you and quickly noticed. He now helped Namjoon batch up something to eat and called Jimin down with Tae to start the day with something.

Jin got up and head to the bathroom as Yoongi came in with cookies in his hands from McDonalds and you motion for some as he handed you one pack and a sprite since thats the only soda you drink.

Suga:why are you both cooking?

Namjoon:the octopus is upset.

Suga:oh so its starting? Awwww you'll get there dumpling.

Namjoon's dog jumped on your legs and you pet him until Namjoon took him from your hands and you point and feel like your lonely.

Namjoon:no dogs on the counter.

You place your hands on his face and kiss his nose, although now he placed your legs on his side and hug him as he hug you as well. Taetae came in the kitchen and chase Namjoon away and hug you.


He let you hug him from behind and ate a piece of your cookie. Yoongi is fierced and gave you another cookie as Tae noticed and took it and they start to argue playfully like their the ones who's month is. Namjoon came back to you and gave you a kiss as you return it and hand you pancakes with eggs. You got down and sat on the chair and eat.

Jin:whats the plan?

Namjoon:tonight we head to the carnival.

Your head popped up and clap happily. Jungkook handed you the syrup and a bowl of cocoa puffs and you at them together.

Jin:whats up with her?

Namjoon:its the time of the month.

Jin:oh. Yoongi lets go shopping.

He left with Yoongi and Tae along with Jimin. Namjoon and Jungkook now got themselves their plate and save some for Hobi.

Jungkook:what time are we going?

Namjoon:they start at 8 so we will leave around 5 since its a 2 hour drive.

Jungkook:well you will need your wallet along the way.




Kim Nam-Joon ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now