furry avengers

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"Maisie"............"maisie"........"for fucks sake..". I swear this dog will be the death of me. Im currently trecking through a pretty dense wood looking for my beloved but wicked husky. She loves to run and as fit as I am,once she gets a scent of something there's no catching her. "Maisie c'mon girl"..I scream slightly less threateningly to try and coax her back. I hear some twigs snap and before i can prepare myself im knocked over with not one but 2 huskies licking me over and over. Jesus this dog. Manages to find a friend anywhere. Anyway im still flat on my ass when I hear footsteps and yelling. "Thor......come on man where are you?"
"Eh hi....over here. I think i can help".. I laugh as I point to maisie and thor as I now know he's called, who are proudly sitting over me as if they've caught me.
"Oh shit" he exclaims..."im sorry. Thor heel now" to which thor immediately reacts too and goes and sits by his left foot. I also notice sitting by his right foot is yet another beautiful quieter husky. He sees me smile at it and introduces Loki. "Shit sorry miss ive not even helped you up. Where's my manners." he says in a smooth southern drawl. He extends a strong,muscly,tattooed arm which I gratefully grab and get up dusting myself off.
"Thanks. Im grateful for the help up, they kinda knocked the wind from me there."
"No problem...least I could do when its mainly this hairy beasts fault you were down there anyways he laughs and extends his arm again this time to introduce himself. "I'm shannon.nice to meet you"
"Thanks. Im jess. Im just heading back.  Are you going this way or you still walking?" I ask. "If your heading back please walk with us.  Let these goofballs have some more fun."
"Sounds good thanks jess."
We start heading through the woods chatting about everything and nothing passing the time till we reached the carpark a few miles down.
"Jesus how long were we walking its almost dark now " he exclaims chuckling as he said it. He set water out for loki and thor and had a spare bowl for maisie which saved me getting hers. He then offered me a bottle of water from his jeep which I took gratefully. Even at this time of year and time of day the sun is fierce up the california hills. "Thanks so much shannon I needed that. Im so warm."
"Yeah you better make sure you hydrate some more and get aftersun on. Your pretty burnt from the rays today. " As he says it i feel the all familiar nip of tight sunburnt shoulders and my nose tingles too.
"Thanks. Yeah thats the celtic streak. Pale skin red hair and a flair for burning like a vampire in direct sunlight." I laugh as I take shade in at the boot of my car as I change shoes.
"Irish or Scottish" he asks. " im sorry I love the accent but I'm hopeless at placing them" he says and I swear he blushes.
"Scottish and fiercely proud to be so" I tell him. He laughs quietly as he gets the huskies settled in the car. "Oh im not laughing at you. I'm just picturing you coming down that hill yelling braveheart at me or something" .
"Hey. Ive  been here 5 years and not lost my accent yet. I love Scotland. Always will. Have you ever been"
He shuts up his car once he's sorted the windows for the dogs and comes over  to lean against mine with me. "Quite a few times. Probably too many to count. But I've never seen the place not once. Airports and hotels thats it. Kinda sad actually. I've heard its beautiful"
"Well you big rockstars lead such busy lives so you know its understandable" I say and now I'm blushing.
"Oh I see. So you know who I am then" he asks coyly.
"Sure do. Loved you guys since forever. Didn't notice you at first as hey im not looking to bump into shannon leto in the middle of the bloody woods am i. But when you helped me up. Your tats are kinda unmistakable.  But hey dont worry im not gonna go all fangirl and tell anyone so your safe to keep walking your furry avengers in there. "
He doubles over at this" guess your a marvel fan too" he asks. Thus follows a lengthy discussion about every film we've seen and before i know it we've chatted so long the mutts are snoring and its pitch black. "Shit shannon i know you have to get going but can I follow you out. I hate driving in the LA hills even in the daylight but it freaks me out in the dark."
"No problems." He asks my address and heads off so i can follow him. True to his word he stops at my driveway. I hop out to thank him but he says its no trouble and heads of into the night just like that.
I stop for a minute before getting maiaie out as it hits me ive just spent the evening chatting to one of my idols and he just seemed totally human. Totally normal. Just shows you. I get maisie out whis half asleep now and we head in to the house.
A nice shower some aftersun and bed for me. Maisie is already snoring in her basket by the time I get dried and changed for bed. Quite a cool day today me thinks as I settle down to slumberland myself.

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