secrets out

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Sure enough half an hour on the dot and shannon pulls up outside with Thor and Loki woofing excitedly when they saw maisie coming. Shannon was already out the jeep and half way up when I locked the door. I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin he was right there.
"Bloody hell shannon".
"Sorry jess my momma brought me up well and I said I'd pick you up so here I am. Can I escort you and the lovely maisie to the vehicle". He says bowing as if he's the hired help. Well when its put like that I thank him kindly,link his arm thats waiting and we toddle off the to the car. He holds the door open and while I get in he sorts maisie out with her buddies in the back.
I fire directions at him till we get to my paint shop/studio and he deals with the dogs while I sort the alarm and whatnot.
"OK. Sofas, music, TV, pantry, bathroom and fire exit. Whistle-stop tour. There's a fenced garden out back if the mutts want to go play. They can't get anywhere." I point in the direction and he heads off to let them loose for a while.
I pull out the piece im working on and get started. Shannon sits quietly on the couch watching me studying the brush strokes as if he's really aware of what's happening when I know he hasn't got a clue.. "sooooooo leto.....big talker hmmm. Thought you promised me some riveting conversation. Cmon i want some juicy information I can't get on tmz or that I may or may not have squirreled away in the back of my brain already." Shit I said that out loud. Now he's gonna know I used to follow the band. I try and play it off as nothing but hes on to me straight away.
"Sooooo just what knowledge might you have squirreled away missy now that we just met yesterday.  Now i know you recognised me but never acted on it when we met which is cool but just how much do you know about me. Should I be worried. ?" He laughs that throaty chuckle and I swear I blushed. I try and concentrate on the painting. " Well..... em..... I told you i knew who you were. I listened to your stuff back home and mightve travelled a few times to go to gigs and stuff. ". I slam my mouth shut now and he stands up and follows my gaze as I try and concentrate on the picture. "Ooooh so you like meeeeee......oh shit god no u don't like jared do you. Fuck that would make this way wrong. " he actually sits down deflated before i even get a chance to reply.
" Shannon let's be honest. Im noone to you im someone new its all fresh for you. I can't deny I know a LOT of details about you and jared and the band but that's just Mars as a dream to a fan. This is different. I didn't bump into shanimal the shit hot drummer up in that woods. I met shannon owner of some avenger type huskies who cared enough to send me flowers after his dog bumped me over . I can't deny liking you or your work but that was as a fan and it was me liking a dream, an image portrayed for the fans. I met YOU up in that woods and its YOU I'd like to be friends with if you can put aside the fact I may or may not sleep in a tshirt with you and your brother on it?!!"
I take a breath and flop down on the couch head in hands feeling awful that I've put him in this position. My face is burning too but all I can hear is his cute throaty giggle. Im being all serious and he's notting himself on the couch next to me. Asshole.
" im sorry Jess. I totally get what you are saying and I believe you. You never mentioned anything when we first met and I appreciate that. You treated me like anyone else you may have met up there  but......."
I guess this is it hes going to leave. I wait for his pause. " I can't take you seriously when you have blue paint all down your face. Its like taking confession from a smurf. A very cute smurf but a smurf all the same." By now we are both laughing. He grabs the wipes i keep for such occasions and proceeds to gently wipe the blue paint off my cheek and chin. "Just one last bit" he says and his calloused thumb grazes my bottom lip to remove the last bit of paint. Im sure he notices my breath hitching and he's quite subdued while doing it but neither of us speaks. There's a moment and its silent and noisy all that the one time with the thoughts in my head. It takes the dogs bounding through to bring us back to our senses. " im guessing their hungry. I will sort them out if you want to look through the take-out menus for us. If thats OK."
"Sounds perfect to me, chinese okay with you?"
"Awesome. Hey u want anything to drink. Ive got water, juice, beer or if your feeling brave some good old scottish whisky"
I've piqued his interest as he hangs up from ordering food and heads to the pantry. "Waters good for now thanks. I dont want you to get tipsy and try and take advantage of me. You know what you smurfs are like after a few. You get all touchy feely and fangirly." I throw the water at him and he catches it luckily and heads to the couch laughing his head off. " your choice chicken shit. I mean its probably too hard for you anyway. What with your girly southern bourbon and and all. Wouldn't want to show u up. " I say no more and head over with a beer for myself and stick the TV on while we wait for food. I can see my comments bugging him but hes desperate not to react so we wait patiently watching some daft series until the respite of the doorbell breaks the silence. I jump up and answer only to find hes already paid for it. "Shannon thank you but let me pay please"....
"You can get the next one. Now sit down and eat. Im still waiting to hear all your echelon secrets......."

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