feelings overload

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So its been about 10 months since I bumped into shannon that day at the woods and we have become really good friends. He still ribs me about the whole echelon thing but I know he's just teasing. He actually likes that I listen to their music  so he can try me with new demos he's working on. It goes without saying they are kept pretty busy and between my different jobs im run off my feet to be honest. If i didn't have josh to keep my diary in check id be a right mess.
No matter how hectic it gets though we always manage to take time out to take our furballs for a good hike. We walk and talk. Its like free therapy for us i think. We know the other won't blab anything. We can destress about our days or worries with no judgement from the other. Like an old married couple but we are not together in that way. Not for lack of trying on Jared's part jeez he's tried to set us up about 20 times so far. I think we have deliberately not done it just to piss him off. There's no denying that there's something there between us but I think we've both been hurt before and we might just be too guarded but we are having fun becoming best buds in the meantime.
Given we watch the dogs for each other i can quite often get home and Shannon's there either collecting the avenger pups or returning maisie. We have each others keys too for that purpose .....I know....old married couple vibes again.
Anyway I pull up to the house one night after an exhausting day that I'd moaned earlier to shannon on the phone about. Umpteen photo shoots with ratty customers in searing LA heat and then painting for 4 hours I am sweaty and tired and sore. I drag my ancient ass up to the door and I open it to the sweetest smells. My oil burners are on and its so peaceful . Shannon appears and takes my jacket and leads me through the house to the bathroom. Theres a bubble bath ran with candles out and a beer sat on the side. I hug him and silently thank him. Its been such a shitty day that he just knew I needed this. He says his goodbyes but I tell him to stay that i wont be long and I will get us dinner as a thank you. He eventually agrees and goes through to the lounge to wait.
I'm fully submerged in the bubbles and its amazing.. just what I needed tonight its like hes a mind reader. Im kinda bored though so shout through. "Shannon. Come in and talk to me pleeeeeease. Im covered up its cool. I want to hear how it went at the new producers."
Reluctantly he comes in and sits over the far side of the bathroom. We chat about his day and the new producers and what they are looking for. Since tomo left hes found it hard. They were best buds and someone he could bounce things off that wasn't his brother. " you ok jess"?
"Mmmhmm just my neck. Its with the painting tonight. I was in the wierdest position for the longest time and I have a huge crick in it. " scoot over" he says and perches on the back panel of my tub. He gently gathers my wet hair up and sticks it in a bun and then I feel his big paws touch my skin. Gently at first then harder pushing deeper into the knot working it out. His hands feel hot and tingly on my skin and its probably the most contact we have ever had. You could hear a pin drop in the room. I dont know how I sat quietly as I could probably have managed a whimper or a moan right about now. Being in such close proximity to someone you do actually have feelings of some sort for is pretty difficult. Sure we hug we hang out we flirt but we've still never taken it that step further even though I'm pretty sure we both feel the same way.
I lean my head back to say thank you and see his honey speckled eyes looking right back. I think we both probably gulped at the same time. There was a moment. Something changed in that stare. He pecked me on the head and got up kinda quick . " im.. em... just gonna check on the furballs while you get dried. Ill sort out some food too" and he's outta there in a flash.
I get my thoughts together and get dried and fling on some clothes. Granted a Mars cut out vest belonging to shannon and some pj shorts probably wasn't the best idea but my head was scrambled. I went through and flopped down on the couch beside him. He drops his head back and puts the cushion over his face and squeals into it. He's cuddled into one on his lap too. " whats your problem dude. Whats with the squealing. "
He looks me dead in the eye and I swear he's blushing. "Jess u r killing me tonight man. I had to leave the bathroom before I jumped in the goddamn tub with u and now you come out in my cut out top. Ud be as well naked. I feel like a 12 year old boy here man ur killing me." I now get why he rushed out the bathroom and why he has the cushion strategically placed on his lap. Poor guy. "Shannon. I may not visibly show how im feeling but you have to know what you were doing to me rubbing my neck when I'm completely naked inches away from you and I can smell you and feel your breath on my neck.
We need to make a decision. Your probably my best friend here and I'm scared of losing that but we've dodged this for almost a year and let's be honest. Neither of us is actively with anyone else. We practically live in each others places and we speak or see each other daily. I know for me your the first person I think of in the morning and last thing at night. Hell I even dreamt about you......" too much information fuck jess what are you doing telling him that.
There's a silence while he processes this and then he stares at me dead in the eye then......
"Fuck it" is all he says and he grabs me round the waist and before I know it im sat facing him legs straddling him.
We are face to face. Silent. Staring. He gently strokes my hair back behind my ear and carries his hand down my face tracing my lips with his thumb as he continues his hands downwards till he's holding me firmly on my bare waist.
He leans his head against mine and finally breathes . "I can't take this any more jess. You mean so much to me and its driving me crazy when I hug you that I can't kiss you and spoil you like you deserve. I need to know that if i kiss you now I'm not overstepping any boundaries. I dont want to damage what we have. " I tell him to shush and close his eyes. I lean forward and kiss his forehead first then each closed eyelid, his stubbled cheeks till I gently graze his lips. "He moans so subtly and im pulled close as his lips smash off mine, his tongue seeking access, permission.
Its crazy finally giving in to what we've both wanted for so long. Things start to get hot and heavy when the door goes. We ignore it until the bell repeatedly rings and rings. "Shit the food..." Shannon says breathless.
I jump up to answer the door.
In strolls jared bouncing like tigger with a bag of Chinese take out. " I met the delivery guy...hope you have enough for me......oooohweeeeee whats with the tension In here. You 2 can hardly look at me or each other. Whats up.......oh shit. No way" he finally realises what hes interupted...." not really that hungry anyway you kiddies have a great night and keep it covered shannon. About fuckin time too." He drops the food on the the take and he's off out the door laughing his head off ....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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