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Freddy pov

I was walking around the pizza plex and then I felt something run into me so I look down and saw a girl looking up at me and I said, are you ok. Then the girl said, yeah I'm ok but everyone keeps on chasing me but ok, she said. Then I asked, what are you doing here after hours?Oh well I was on my phone and lost track of time and the doors closed when I was still in here she said to answer my question. Oh okay I just wanted to make sure you are okay, I added.

Its fine Freddy , but can you help me please? She said in a questioning tone.I quickly said of course superstar I will help you get out of here! she said, thanks Freddy you are the best! Then I saw chica coming me and the girl I was talking to and I panicked and said, superstar can you get in my stomach hatch if you can fit that is.after I said that she got squeezed her self into my stomach hatch and I closed the hatch, then the girl asked , hey Freddy its really uncomfortable in here could you make it a bit bigger, I'm sorry superstar its the best I can do. Then I walked like it was like nothing happened.

Roxanne was coming over to me so I stopped walking and Roxy came up to me ad said, hey Freddy have you seen the kid anywhere?! Then I said I'm sorry Roxanne but I have not seen her but ill keep looking. Then Roxanne got mad and stormed away. After the encounter with chica and Roxy the girl got out of my stomach hatch and stretched.

Then she looked at her phone I guess and she sighed and said, this is going to be a long night.then I added why do you say that super star, its only two am the girl said. Wait I said out loud, what is your name I never got it. Oh she said , my name is y/n Freddy y/n said oh ok super star!

that is chapter two for today sorry again for a short chapter and hope you have a good night! Or day sorry!

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