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y/n pov

It's already 4am, I said out loud and then freddy said "well we are kind of wasting time and you only have 2 hours before the doors open so lets go" and then me and freddy ran and we heard someone coming so I said' "freddy some one is coming our way can I get in your stomach hatch?" And then freddy opened his stomach hatch and I climbed inside and then he closed the hatch and walked to the person we heard coming our way and I saw who it was it was the security guard I think her name is vanessa but  I don't know? 

Freddy pov

I walked to the person we heard and I saw it was officer Vanessa then I said "hello officer Vanessa how are you ?" then she said freddy "I'm going to ask you this question where is the girl that is here do you know were she is" I have no idea I said of course lying. I know you are lying freddy you are talking in that voice again you are  not made to lie freddy, Vanessa said. Fine the last time I saw her she was at the entrance but she could be anywhere now so don't ask me!? Thanks for telling me freddy, Officer Vanessa said before she left.

Y/n pov

I said in my mind don't expose me freddy, then I heard him say That I was at the entrance of the place and thank god he did not say I was in here. "Can I get out now freddy. of course you can. Freddy said, he opens the stomach hatch and I got  out then I said , thanks freddy for not exposing me! Your welcome superstar, freddy said. Then I got my phone out and grabbed my head phones from my pocket and play a song I love really the most.and then I fell asleep listening to music.

Glam rock Freddy x reader will you stayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang