Chapter Seven: Sky Boy

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Amidst the chaos, amidst the clatter of steel and the screams of battle, was an overwhelming aura of focus. As Imperial soldiers and Magma Kingdom citizens alike spilled out onto the dirt arena, there was a push towards the middle, towards Ben, Wade, and Fred.

Soundless from the clash of steel, an Imperial Captain looked in the trio's direction, motioning with his arm for his men to follow that way. Most of the soldiers were far too occupied to hear or notice, but one or two managed to slip through the throng of fighting. In an unorganized rush, they charged to attack the three teens.

Like the men, Fred didn't hesitate for a moment. Parrying their attacks with her small, quick blades, she jumped into the fight, returning her own attacks with far more ferocity. All three of the soldiers attempted to attack and take her in one, unified attack, but she managed to keep the upper hand with a sweep of her leg, a roll to the side, and a flurry of slashes.

One soldier, disheartened from the girl's fighting prowess, broke from the pack to attack Ben. Remembering what Fred had told him before, Ben bent his body to be closer to the ground, ready for the soldier to strike first, which he did. With a block, a return attack of his sword, and a sweep of the leg that would have impressed Fred even, Ben had the soldier's back to the dirt.

Wade yelled, "Ben!" as he avoided a soldier breaking from the mob of attacks to strike out at him as well. Rolling across the dirt, he only barely moved out of the soldier's range.

"I could really use a weapon right about now."

Ben's next opponent lunged at him, and Ben raised his sword to meet, and sharp, powerful sparks scattered. With the soldier distracted from the blow, Ben swung his other fist at the soldier's elbow. Between the armor of his gauntlets is an opening of cloth and flesh that Ben managed to hit with a crack from his knuckles.

The soldier yelled in pain and released his grip, causing his sword to fly through the air and clatter conveniently onto the dirt at Wade's feet.

"There—there's your weapon."

Ben turned to parry further attacks.

Wade gratefully snatched the sword, but the soldier that had been following and slashing at him was no longer there. Like many of the soldiers in the area, he had peeled off with others to surround Fred—fighting for her life against four, soon to be five.

It was at this moment that Ben realized who the soldiers were really after.

"They're not after us?" Wade yelled to Ben, echoing his thoughts.

It had been only fair to assume that Ben was why the captain had ordered his men in their direction amidst the chaos and torrent of the battle—fueled by rumors of a boy who could fly and a vague description that matched his. But they didn't know about him. They aren't after the boy who could fly.

They were after Fred.

Around the arena, the Imperial soldiers began to gain the upper hand. Despite fighting with all their might and fervor, the Magma Kingdom citizens weren't prepared for such an attack. Unlike the soldiers, they had no armor, and only the weapons that they had happened to have on them. Sheer stubbornness of their resolve just wouldn't get the job done that day. One by one, they fell and resisted arrest as most were placed in cuffs, none willing to turn coward and flee into the nearby trees of red.

With control returning, the captain of the soldiers turned all his attention to Fred, who had managed to stay on her feet still.

"Finally, we've got the famous Winifred of Burnstown..."

But Fred didn't reply. With sweat burning into her eyes, she speedily spun circles, dodging and returning attacks. Fear and resolve burned in her eyes like an animal that had been surrounded and must fight to survive. It soon became apparent that no matter how good of a fighter she was, it would only be a matter of time before she no longer had fight left against such odds.

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