Ben actually did sleep good last night. He had to attest it to the fact that his wife was up. But he wanted her in their bed curled up next to him, laying on his chest or him laying in between her legs, on her stomach or chest.

Ben got ready for the day and he packed Miranda her toiletries and things, before packing Pru's clothes and bag.

He stopped by her favorite bistro place and ordered her usual with cranberry juice and water and then he ordered Pru a breakfast kid's meal and himself some food.

Getting to the hospital he walked inside with everything and he could hear Miranda's loud laughter before he even got to her room. Her laugh made his heart want to do flips.

"You are so crazy." He could hear her say as she laughed again.

Ben walked into her room and stopped right at the door looking at the scene before him. Tucker was sitting by Miranda's bed and he was close by her face. His hand was on her thigh and the both of them were smiling.

Ben's eyes narrowed at Tucker's hands and he felt rage course through his body. He wanted to punch him so hard because this man had lost his mind.

He knew that Miranda only remembered 2008 and he was taking advantage of her. Miranda would never be in a room with him like this otherwise and she dam sure wouldn't let him be in her face nor touching her.

Ben was trying to tell himself to calm down but he was pissed. He knew that she knew she was married to him and that Tucker was not her husband anymore.

Miranda stared at her husband and she could see that he was fuming. His jaw was set and his nose flared. Miranda moved Tucker's hand off of her leg and she started to say something but Callie came into the room with Pru.

"We found some crayons and paper." Callie cheered.

"Oh yay." Miranda chimed.

"Hi Ben." Pru cheered and Ben reached down and picked her up.

"Come on honey we are going to get you dressed and ready for daycare. I have your breakfast too." Ben said trying his best to put on a smile.

"Your breakfast is here." Ben gritted to Miranda.

He set Miranda's things down and her food and he grabbed his and Pru’s food and clothes and walked out of the door.

"Shit." Miranda sighed. "You have to go now" She told Tucker.
“and you wouldn’t have came to seen me had I been myself so don’t come back again.”
Tucker smiled at her and he stood grabbing his jacket to leave.

"Can you hand me my food?" Miranda asked Callie.

Callie walked to the table by the front door and grabbed her bag and set it in front of Miranda.

Miranda felt bad that Ben was angry she didn't know what to do. She was tired of hurting his feelings. Tucker and her was just catching up.

Ben went to Miranda's office and he sat Pru down. He gave Pru her breakfast and he began to eat as well. After they finished, he used Miranda's bathroom to wash Pru up and dress her for the day.

He then dropped her off at daycare and was getting ready to go to work himself until his phone vibrated.

He read the message from Miranda thanking him for breakfast and she asked if he could come back and stop by before he left to work.

Ben blew out a breath and he walked back up to her room. He walked in and he leaned against the table in the front crossing his arms.

"You're angry...why?" Miranda questioned. "Me and Tucker was just catching up."

Ben clicked his teeth. "Let me rejog your memory Miranda."

"That man constantly made you feel bad every single day. He made you feel like a terrible mother and wife because of your job and even told you that once. He went on a date with another woman, moved out once, had an emotional affair with another woman and sent emails back and forth talking about you all’s marriage to that woman. He shared all his intimate feelings and thoughts with her...even thoughts about you. The final straw was the ultimatum. He wanted you to choose between him, your family and your job. So yeah, I'm angry. I'm angry that he would try to take advantage of you knowing you do not like him at all. I'm angry that I have been married to you for over 10 years but you only remember him and you all’s marriage. You remember all the warm and fuzzy good stuff with him and I'm pissed off that he was in your face and touching your thighs. He fucked up his chance with you and this memory lapse won't give him another opportunity. He won't take what's mine ever. You're mine." Ben barked frustrated.

"I don't care if you never remember me but I'm not letting you go ever. I'll just make you fall in love with me all over again. You're my wife...not his." Ben whispered.

Miranda looked up into his sad frustrated eyes and it made her own eyes water. "I'm so sorry. He was just some one familiar and that I knew. I didn't mean it." Miranda apologized now crying.

Ben sighed and he walked over to her. "No, you know what I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice. I know you don't remember so that was wrong of me. I was pissed at him. I shouldn't take it out on you." Ben voiced softly touching her hand.

Miranda looked at him and she nodded her head wiping her tears.
"I know I don't remember you but I want to get to know you."

"I would like that." Ben smiled.

"When can I go home?" She questioned. She was ready to get back to work but she knew it was no way in hell anyone was letting her in an O.R

"If everything checks out. Tomorrow." Ben answered.

Ben left to work and Miranda laid around watching TV.

The knock on the door caused her to look up.

"Dad?" Miranda questioned. Her eyes widen. "You're old." She acknowledged shocked.

"I'm in my 80s Miranda." He laughed.

"I'm sorry What are you doing here?" She asked reaching out to hug him before he took a seat.

"I live here."

"I...where's mom?" Miranda questioned quickly.

William looked at her sadly and Miranda gasped. "Nooooo." She fretted.

"Yeah it was last year. She got sick really bad and went through organ failure." William explained.

Miranda was sobbing at that point. "Don't cry Miranda. Your mother lived a full and happy life. She was loved every minute of it. You were one of her greatest loves and you made her proud every single day. You moved us out here and we were able to be closer. We could see you, Tuck and Ben often. It was okay. Your mother went in peace. She went on to live with her mother, sister, and daughter." William promised.

Miranda cried a little more until it became sniffles. She sat there afterwards and talked to her dad about everything. Asking him questions about stuff she didn't remember.

The next day Miranda was being discharged. She was glad that she could get in a real bed.

"Our house is so beautiful." Miranda marveled looking at the outside. "How long have we lived here?" Miranda asked.

"We bought this right after we got engaged." Ben answered. "We had a commuter marriage for a while because I got accepted into UCLA as a surgical intern. So before we got married we made sure that everything was in order. House, cars, and bills."

"We did a good job. I love this color." Miranda replied walking inside after Ben opened the door.

"I love it." She sated looking all around. "I'm glad you like it Miranda. You picked out majority of everything and you bossed me around all day about where you wanted everything." Ben chuckled.

The very next morning Ben came Into the room to check on Miranda and she was curled up in the bed looking at TV. "You need anything?" Ben questioned.

"I'm good and you can go to work Ben. I may have lost my memory but I am still intelligent and can be home by myself."

"Are you sure. I just want to be here just incase you need something. I'm worried..

"I’m fine really. I will call you if need anything." Miranda assured him.

Ben left to work and Miranda sat home cleaning. She washed and folded clothes and she organized. Then she took a long nap before getting up and going into the fridge, she decided to make a meatloaf with mash potatoes and gravy for dinner.

The door opened up just as she was finishing up cooking. "Hey." Miranda chimed to the three kids who claimed her heart.

"Hi randa." Pru said excitedly.
"Hi baby girl here let me help you with your coat and shoes." Miranda began.

"Hey ma."

"Hey momma Miranda."

"Hi my boys. Dinner is almost finished. We have another 30 minutes on the meatloaf. So you can get cleaned up."

She grabbed Pru's coat and hung it up before walking with her into the living room. She then watched as Pruitt pulled a puzzle out and handed to Miranda.

"Okay come to the table and let's put it together." Miranda smiled walking with her.

"Yay. We did it." Miranda cheered clapping as Pru put the last puzzle piece in. Pru clapped too and Miranda laughed. She was in love with this little girl.

"Boys dinner is finished." She called out.

She heard the loud patter of feet and knew they were coming.

Miranda grabbed Pru and put her in her eating chair in the dining room before she walked away to make their plates.

"So how was school?" Miranda asked them as they set at the table.

"It was good." They answered simultaneously.

"Alright tell me one thing you learned." She stated remembering Ben asked them that the night before.

"I learned today that the prostate is not actually your penis." Tuck answered and Miranda's eyes widen.

"Tuck." Miranda gasped looking over a Pru.

"Sorry but still it was a shock today in anatomy class. This whole time I thought the prostate know. "

"So you thought when men have Prostate cancer. They get their tools removed." Joey asked laughing loudly.

"Yes." Tuck laughed.

"So now you know that it's a small gland between your bladder and tool." Miranda asked and Tuck nodded.

"Okay Joey."

"I learned that Benjamin's Franklin key and kite story was a myth."

"Really?" Tuck questioned and both Joey and Miranda nodded.

"It was a Leiden jar." Joey stated.

"Well what's that." Tuck asked.

"It's a jar filled with wires or metal to store electricity."

"However he did show that lighting was a form of electricity." Miranda added.

It was 3am when Ben finally came home. He was so tired, he could barely keep his eyes open. He took his shirt off and walked into his bed room, quietly leaving his shoes at the door and taking his pants off. Too tired to look for pajamas. He climbed in the bed beside Miranda.

Miranda's eyes fluttered open when she felt the bed dip in. She wanted to be alarmed because Ben was sleeping in the other room but when he pulled her close and nuzzled his face in her neck, mumbling her name she relaxed.

He felt good, his warm embrace and the smell of him. It was the perfect combination. She honestly didn't mind if he got into bed with her every night. After all they did it for years, even if she couldn't remember. He went in here because it was most familiar to him.

Miranda scooted even more close to him and sighed contently when his hand looped around her waist and she quickly fell back to sleep.

The next morning Ben woke up and he felt refreshed. He stretched but was weighed down.

Ben looked down at Miranda laying on his chest and her legs tangled up with his. No wonder he slept good. He missed this so much.

Miranda opened her eyes and was met with Ben's. "Good morning." She spoke softly.

"Good morning." Ben replied. "I'm sorry about this. I was so sleepy...I wasn't even thinking."

"It's fine. You look well rested. I don't mind you laying in bed beside me. This is your bed and I am your wife. I want you to be comfortable too."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Mmm-hmm. Move back in the room. I don't mind. Plus I like having you next to me at night. I don't remember sleeping alone ever." She replied.

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